Demo Version Overview The zip file you have downloaded should have the appropriate .exe file along with a manual and accessory files. The file "logbook.lgb" is a sample logbook. The capability to create and modify your own logbook is not available in the demo version. Three sample memory database files are included with the demo version. The file "sample.str" is a collection of a mixture of records of various types. The file "broadcst.str" is a collection of foreign broadcast frequencies. The file "digital.str" is a collection of various packet, rtty, and amtor frequencies. It is easy to load the data from the .str files into transceiver memory. Once the demo version is loaded and running just press the U key to display the database menu. Select item number one. Type in the name of the memory database file you wish to use but leave out the ".str" portion of the filename. Answer yes (press the Y key) to accept the filename. The rest is automatic and fun to watch. Once you have returned to the normal monitor screen press the F3 key to select memory and then type 00 to select memory channel 00. Note the alpha-numeric display on the cyan status line. Since the use of the database utility can overwrite existing memory data in your transceiver, you should right down any data that you may wish to later restore. The ability to create or modify memory files or logbook files is not present in demo versions of the Kenwood Controllers. IN CASE OF DIFFICULTY (frequency, mode etc. not displayed) please do the following after you have checked that your interface is, indeed, connected to the comport you have selected: 1) Make sure no other active device is sharing the same IRQ (3 or 4). 2) Turn off transceiver and interface. Reboot computer, turn on transceiver and then interface, re-run the demo. You should hear the transceiver beep at approximately the same time the full display appears. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions concerning this demo or about ordering the registered version. 73 and have fun, Mike Hooper, KF6PU (310) 397-8402 Packet ADDR: