ANARC SHORTWAVE LISTENERS NET P.O. Box 591 Colmar Pa. 18915 Sundays 1500 UTC ** 7240 KHZ ** Bob Brown (KW3F) Net Manager ********************* Sunday January 10, 1993 ********************** TYPE COUNTRY STATION FREQ KHZ TIME DATE pirate N.Amercn.Pirate Relay Service 7416.1 0113 1/8 pirate R.Esoterica 7414.7 2122 1/3 cland La Voz Del Cid 11941 var 1450 1/10 sw Gabon Africa Number1 9580 0535 1/10 sw Peru R.Tropical 4935 1029 1/10 sw Brazil R.Difusora Amazonas 4805 1045 1/10 sw Guatemala R.Maya De Barillas 3325 1048 1/10 sw Philippines FEBC, Manila 9420 1300 1/10 util Greenland Thule 6738usb 2152 1/5 sw Sri Lanka Sri Lanka B.C.Corp. 11835 1030 1/3 sw Poland R.Warsaw 11840 1600 1/4 sw Uganda R.Uganda 4976 0400 1/6&8 sw Sierra Leone Sierra Leone BC 3316 2155 1/8 sw Botswana R.Botswana 7255 0246 1/9 pirate UNIDENTIFIED 7417 am 2349 1/9 sw S.Korea R.Korea 15575 0025 1/8 sw Eq.Guinea R.Nacional 6250.3 0500 1/10 util US Navy 8972 usb 1500 1/10 sw Sri Lanka VOA relay 11705 0101 1/10 ******************************************************************** Comments: Pinelands RBBS to close. W2XQ invites all users of Pinelands to try Pics On Line BBS (609-753-2540{hst} or 609-753-1549{v.32})...... NN2U reported unidentified HET'S on 9688.7 and 9709.65.............. Rodney in Pa.(via KQ3F) anyone recv sep 92 QSL from R.St. Helena yet? K8KFJ received his on January 9..................................... KW3F reports The 6th Annual Winter SWL Festival (Feb 18-21) kicks of Thurs eve in the hospitality room. Fri and Sat full day of forums. For more info or registration: POB 591 Colmar, Pa. 18915............ ******************************************************************** Check-Ins: KW3F(net control) WA4SGC NN2U KA2EMZ N9NXV W1EXZ KQ3F(gateway) WB2GHA W2XQ VE3LOE N4LUS K8KFJ N2JBA(Via packet) N8JQX KZ1Z WB4JSP N2LAK WE2Z AK1Y N2JB WB2U KA3BMS N2MTR Gateway calls from: Jerry-NC Mike-Oh Ed-NJ George-Oh Bill-Pa Chase-NNJ ******************************************************************* These loggings are taken verbatim from THE ANARC SHORTWAVE LISTENERS NET as monitored in N.E. Ohio. No guarantee is given on their authenticity. 73 and CU on the Net, Dave Kirby N8JQX