From: Charlie Johnson Area: Protocols To: All 31 Jan 92 16:34:14 Subject: J-Modem & SZ-Modem on Max UpdReq Help! (please?) Would somebody please put in a MUFFIN message a correct example of how J-Modem,and Super-Z modem (better known as SZ-Modem) would appear (line for line) in Maximus 2.00's Protocol.Ctl file. Thanks in advance. CJ --------------= Brought to you compliments of Plastic Tower =--------------- From: Michael Kirst Area: Protocols To: Scott Dudley 30 Jan 92 18:52:58 Subject: Download Protocol selection menu UpdReq Scott, Where is the download/upload protocol selection menu stored? I would like to be able to indicate that (Z)modem is "preferred" if possible. I haven't been able to find it anywhere in the \MAX directory of any of it's sub-directories. Along the same lines, when I add Jmodem capibility to my BBS, will it be added to this menu? Michael Kirst --------------= Brought to you compliments of Plastic Tower =---------------