11/1/91 ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» Ί HOW TO DISABLE ERROR CORRECTION (MNP) Ί ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ During the initial handshaking, your modem is sending out extra signals letting the host modem know its capabilities. This can confuse some modems that don't have those features and cause the host modem to give up and drop carrier. The most reliable way to connect to a non-MNP modem is to temporarily disable your modem's MNP functions. To disable MNP functions in your modem, you must access the "Terminal" mode of your communications program. You could also use the TESTCOM program that was shipped with your modem. Once in Terminal mode, enter this command: AT\N0. If problems persist, you can make your Intel MNP modem act more like a Hayes modem by entering this command from Terminal mode in your communications program: AT\J1\N0\Q0\V1&W