Digital Communications by Hank Volpe Note: This material is copyrighted 1990 by Hank Volpe. Reprints of this article have appeared in more than 50 newsletters around the country. For more information or comments, please write to; Hank Volpe P.O. Box 43214 Baltimore MD 21236 A Modem Primer - Part 4 of 4 Hopefully you've been part of the last 3 articles here dealing with modems, cables, UARTS and computers. If not, take a look through the back issues of your newsletter and find these articles. In summary, we've spent time looking at some of the technical, physical, and programming facets of using a modem with your computer. We have been following a "college" analogy all along and will conclude with our senior level talks about modems this month. You should realize too that like college, all the information presented here is incomplete. This is a starting place. Before we start I'd like to answer a few questions about how I learned about modems. About 7 years ago I brought a modem home from work. The unit was what we call these days a "dumb" modem. It had lots of switches on the front with labels like SAL, DL, HS, MR and of course no idea of what these things meant. Also, the reason I brought the modem home was because it did not work. It was busted and was being thrown out. Being an engineer by trade, I spent a few hours fixing the modem. Again, you must remember that 7 years ago, even a dumb modem that worked at 1200 bps was at least a $500 item. I managed to get it working in a self-test mode that I had stumbled on by accident, however I had no idea now what to do with it. A friend of mine explained to me that I needed a program to make my PC work with the modem, and he gave me a copy of something called PC-TALK. PC-TALK was one of the first shareware programs distributed via modem on BBS's. I had no idea at all about BBS's's, modems, or shareware. I also figured out that PC-TALK was not designed to work with my modem. It was meant to work with something called a Hayes. Well, after some playing around, I figured out how to make the calls myself, press a button to place the modem on-line, and get connected to a BBS. The first questions I got were about Xmodem. What the heck was an Xmodem? How did I change from 300 to 1200 bps? It was a very exciting time, because I was totally confused yet fascinated by this modem and how it could extend my computer to other machines. Back in 1974, I had built my first computer by making my own microprocessor and memory boards, building a disk drive kit and a terminal kit, and placing it all together in a S-100 motherboard kit. It was wonderfully incompatible with the universe, and as such, was very frustrating to work with. Now I had this compatible PC, and I could tap into other computers over the phone. However, my knowledge of the subject was extremely limited. I may have been a good engineer, but I knew nothing about computers from a system integration side. The modem turned out to be a catalyst for me with computers. Sources of information about modems and computers are not hard to come by, but you do have to do some digging. Most of my information came from Technical reference manuals on the computer, modem, and UARTS. These books are very technical in nature (I guess that's why they are technical reference manuals) and as such assume you know a great deal about the subject you are trying to find information about (its like a have to know how to spell a word in order to look it up to find the right spelling!). Now days, there are plenty of well written information books on the subject. If you are interested, go to your main branch library and browse through the computer section. I think you will be amazed at the volume and scope of on- hand information your library has on computers and modems. The final thing you need to learn how a modem works is the desire to experiment. Try setting things up a certain way, and see the results. If it doesn't work, try a different way. You have to maintain that "beginner's" mind we talked about in the first article on modems or you cannot learn anything of value. That's a brief summary of how I learned about modems and how much time I've spent with them. Most of you reading this probably know more about modems now than I did when I brought the broken one home to repair. Just remember that persistence does pay off! Modem 401 - A handshake is better than a kiss You and a friend meet. What do you usually do? If you are like most people, you make some physical contact, usually a handshake, to exchange greetings. With your employer, you might shake hands on an agreement. In our society, a handshake can mean many things, but at its basic level, it is a physical "touching" of another person. Computer devices need to handshake too. Handshaking is part of a protocol, just like it is in human society. There are different kinds of handshakes for different occasions. Meeting a business client invokes one kind of handshake, a close friend you haven't seen for a long time invokes another kind of handshake, and meeting a lover invokes a third type. Computers also have levels of handshakes depending on the level of intimacy expected or desired between devices. The reason for these handshakes is to put the two devices (or people) at ease with each other and set the basis for a mutually satisfactory exchange of information. A communications "business" contact usually involves the least amount of handshaking, while "making love" (transferring a file in an error-free manner) involves the most intimate intertwining between systems. A computer meeting a modem via a Uart at a basic level needs a bare minimum of wiring. You need a wire to transmit data (the TX line), a wire to receive data (the RX line) and that is about it. So why are there so many other connections available on your 25 pin external connector? These other wires are used to implement different levels of hardware-level handshaking. The level you use directly limits the speed and method of moving data between machines that you can use. The most basic handshake (the business client) uses two signals. Each device places a signal on a line that can be read by the other. The computer in data communications is thought of as a "Data Terminal", while the modem is considered a "Data Set". When you enable a serial port via your communications program or by using Dos's, a signal called the "Data Terminal Ready" or DTR is activated by the Uart under direction of the computer you are using. At the other end of the cable (or on the other side of the Uart in internal modems), the modem senses ("feels?") this signal, and raises its hand in friendship by activating its "Data Set Ready" signal or DSR. The computer extends its hand, and the modem extends its hand, and the two now know that each other has shown up for their meeting. Most business meetings usually have a "social-time" before the actual negotiation starts. During this time, information is exchanged, but usually the information is more or less setting up the ground rules or just getting to know each other. However, when the formal part of the meeting starts, each side makes their presentations along those agreed guidelines. Between computer and modem, the preliminary work is done before the modem connects to a BBS or a data service. The modem makes its connection, and signals the computer that its time to get to work by raising another signal line called the "Carrier Detect" or CD line. Hayes-compatible modems also can return an English message to the communications program saying "CONNECT", however it is up to your program to read that message. Just to be safe, and to prevent "misunderstanding", the CD line is raised. Body language plays a big part in effective human communications. You walk into your boss's office and want to ask for a raise. He greets you with a hurried look on his face, grumbles about how high heating bills are these days and puts his arm around you and walks you to the door. Unless you are really an odd person, you would have figured out that his arm around you does not mean he is happy to see you, but rather that he is too busy to talk right now and that you can come back some other time. Well modems and computers have this same type of handshaking too. Each system can tell the other it is ready to send information by raising the RTS (Ready to Send) line. If the corresponding receiver raises its CTS line (Clear to Send), the data is transferred. If not, the computer or modem can wait until it sees a CTS signal, or it can forget about the whole thing. Modem 402 - Platonic Connections There are other ways of handling handshaking between a modem and a computer. The methods we talked about above were all based on physical connections between the computer and the modem, or in other words, hardware handshakes. There are software handshakes that can be used too. Software handshakes are pre-defined characters that appear in a data stream. These handshakes can be used to relay many different types of instructions between computers or between modems. One of the most popular forms of software handshaking is the Xon/Xoff system. Xoff (or Control-S) is nothing more than an ASCII character. If a modem or a computer recognizes an Xoff command, then it stops transmitting data until it sees an Xon command (or Control-Q). Xon/Xoff can work between modem and computer, between computer and computer, between modem and modem, or even inside of a disk operating system. If you want to see a software handshake, tell Dos to type a document to your screen, and then press the Pause key on your computer (or Control-S). The screen pauses until you press another key to restart it. Control-C is another software handshake that tells a program to abort and return to Dos. There are many different software handshakes that can be used, but each one has a clear purpose; to control the flow of data between devices. Software handshaking can also do more than control the flow, it can also be used to detect and correct errors that occasionally happen between devices. When you call a BBS with your modem you are simply connecting one modem to another. Occasionally you will see funny characters on the screen, mostly due to a poor connection or to weather conditions. These funny characters are caused by the fact that the numerical code for a character got "damaged" and altered by transmission. Changing an A to an E is nothing more than changing the number 40 hex to 45 hex. In a text transmission, this is more of a nuisance than anything else, however if you were downloading a program, this could introduce a serious flaw in the program you are receiving! To make matters worse, how would you know you have received that error? After all, you are getting a file of commands, not text. The only way to do so is to let the computers detect an error between them and correct it without you getting involved. Such a software handshake method places data into packets of information. The size of this packet can vary with the method, however the purpose is the same. Each packet contains a packet number (or block number), the data to send, and a check value at the end. A computer transmits this over the modem. The receiving computer calculates a check value and compares it to the value sent to it. If they agree, it moves on to get the next block. If not, it asks for the same block to be transmitted again. There are many different methods of packeting data. PC-based communications programs call this a file-transfer protocol. Whether you use Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem, Kermit or one of a dozen more protocols, you are using a software handshake/correction system to control the flow of data and to correct errors. The software method can also be placed inside of a modem instead of inside of a communications program. These types of modems are called "error- correcting" modems and they use a system of sending data between them. One of the most popular methods is based on a network-packeting system developed by Microcom. Modems that use this method are called MNP (Microcom Network Protocol) modems. Another method is called V.42 bis. The latter is from the CCITT (an international group that makes recommendations for manufacturers to follow). The important thing here to realize is that software handshaking can be implemented in many ways, like hardware handshaking. A "business" contact uses the fewest controls. In order to operate most modems with your PC, you need only to use a TX wire, an RX wire, a DTR wire and a DSR wire. Communications that require more "contact" (like 9600 bps communications while multi-tasking) require that each device know when the other is ready to send and ready to receive. For those, you have to add the RTS and CTS signals to your cable. Finally, if a system is to "make love", it needs the most intimate details (and also to know if it is performing up to desired expectations). At this point you need to have real communications between systems. It can be Xon/Xoff, MNP, V.42 or a file transfer protocol, but whatever the method, the purpose is to link two systems together as closely and intimately as they can. If you have an internal modem, pay close attention to how you have the handshaking set. By default, most modems do not properly use the DTR/DSR handshaking. If your software requires this type of communication, it might not run properly. If you have an external modem, you should make sure you have the right data cable for the job. A data cable can work with as few as 2 wires, but it will not have all of the handshaking signals in it. You might find out that the modem works with some programs but not with others. Usually when you buy a data cable, it lasts for the life of the system, so don't go cheap. Purchase one that has all the proper handshaking signals (DTR/DSR, RTS/CTS, CD, RING, TX, RX). Finally, if you have a high-speed modem, check that you are using the proper handshaking between computer and modem. Most communications programs use RTS/CTS signalling for high-speed modems. This handshaking is important, because when the computer is storing data to your disks, it cannot properly get data from your modem. The modem must be told to stop transmitting during this time. The communications program will drop its RTS signal to the modem, and the modem will hold data in its internal buffer until the communications program signals it to start again. This type of handshaking is usually important at speeds over 2400 bps. Modem 403 - Why doesn't my modem work ? Modem's are fairly easy devices to attach to a computer, and this appears to be the biggest reason why things can sometimes go wrong. Compared to fixed- disks, or memory expansion, a Modem requires nearly no changes to your PC. If you are using an external modem, all you need is a cable and a serial port. Internal's plug right into a free expansion slot. No muss, no work? Oh boy, now what is wrong? The best place to solve this problem is to use the tools siting right in front of you; the computer and the modem. External Modems have LED (Light Emitting Diode) displays that tell you the state of certain communication control and status lines. Internal Modems do not have these lights, but you can get the equivalent of these lights in several programs. Diagnostics such as Checkit or QAplus, or shareware programs such as Breakbox, lights, and the Modem Doctor all have a feature that will show you the status lines of the Modem. These lights are critical to finding out if you have a hardware problem. Normally, when a Comm port has been properly opened (either by Dos's or by a communications program), the Serial Port raises several control lines. As we discussed above, the two most important are DTR (Data Terminal Ready) and its complimentary status signal sent from the modem DSR, or Data Set Ready. Your external Modem should show the state of these signals, but it will not necessarily use these names. If you have a modem that follows Hayes Modems nomenclature, the TR and MR lights will reflect the status of these two lines. For your modem to work properly, the TR light (Terminal or Transmit Ready which actually is the DTR line) has to be lit. The MR (Modem Ready, usually the DSR line) also should be lit. If they are not, and the Serial port has been opened properly, you may have a bad cable between your computer and your modem. If you use Brkbox or Lights for your internal, you also should see these lines lit. The Modem Doctor will perform a diagnostic and display an error message if these lines are not up. Another pair of indicators that are important are the TX and RX lights (sometimes called SD and RD). These are the transmit and receive indicators on your modem. When you are running a communications program in the terminal mode and you press a key, the TX light should flash (saying that the modem got a character) and the then RX light should flash (saying that the modem echoed it back to the computer. If one or the other is missing, you might have a bad cable again, or a bad Serial port. If the MR light is out, then there may be some problem with your modem. Also, some modems have another light called a MC (or Modem Check) light. If this lights, that could mean there is something wrong with your modem. Some modems have an extra set of lights for the RTS (Ready to send) and CTS (Clear to send) lines. Again, these handshaking lines are important in high-speed modems, but unless your communications program is looking for these signals, they can be disregarded as a source of a problem. Most communication programs have an option to select RTS signaling or not. If you cannot communicate with your modem, check to see if you have accidentally activated this feature in your communications program or purchase a serial cable that has all of the handshaking pairs carried out to the appropriate pins. OK- so all the lights are correct. What next? Well one problem might be, if you type a character to the modem it comes back on your screen fine, but when you try to call a BBS or while you are connected things go kind of strange, what is the next thing to check? Modem 404 - Interrupts and you The PC has limited resources for Serial Ports, in fact the ROM-BIOS only supports 2 of them. However, there are industry standards that expand this to 4 Serial Ports. 4 Serial Ports should be enough for the average user, but the problem is that you can only use 2 of them at a time. The reason for this is due to the fact that they must share IRQ lines. Each time a character is received by a modem, it has to get the attention of the computer by raising an Interrupt Request Line (IRQ). PC type computers have 8 of these lines, AT type computers have at least 16. The 8259 Interrupt controller chip handles these requests for attention. By design, COM1 uses IRQ4 and COM2 uses IRQ3. IRQ7 is assigned to a printer, IRQ5 to the Hard Drives. It is possible to use COM1 and COM2 or COM3 and COM4 at the same time, but you cannot use COM1 and COM3 or COM2 and COM4 at the same time because these share IRQ lines. Confused??? Well, to make it easier to understand, if you have a computer with built-in Serial Ports and you want to use an internal modem, you just might wind up with an IRQ conflict or a Serial Port address conflict. What happens is that the computer is actually talking to two ports at the same time, and that can cause bad characters, false errors, jam-ups or intermittent problems especially at higher speeds. If you have a Serial Port conflict, you might be able to work around that. If you have a built-in Serial Port assigned to COM1, you might be able to disable it by removing a jumper. If you are not technically inclined and don't feel like playing with the inside of the machine and are lucky enough to have an internal modem that can be assigned from COM1 to COM4, then you can use another Comm Port assignment for the Modem. You will still have to watch your IRQ conflicts, so if you are using COM1 lets say for a mouse and you want to use your modem at the same time, then it has to be COM2 or COM4 so the modem will use an IRQ3 while the mouse will use IRQ4. Another way out would be if your modem uses IRQ7 or IRQ5. You could assign it to COM3 or COM4 and use one of these different IRQ lines. Remember though, IRQ5 and IRQ7 are reserved for other devices, so you still might not be able to get around the conflict without disabling one of the built-in Serial ports. Also, if you needed to use 3 or more COMM ports at the same time, you would need to use another IRQ line. However, if you do not need to use 3 or more COMM ports at one time, then it is best to stick to the reserved IRQ4 and IRQ3 for all of your activity. Graduation Day Well here we sit at the end of our class. If you save these articles you will have a good source of reference material. However, this material is far from complete. Its an introduction. You need to follow through and build on what you have seen here. Take a trip to the library, or read your modem manual, or pick up one of the many books written to guide you through PC communicaitons and that help you peek inside your PC. In any case I hope that these 4 articles have helped you understand more about your modem, and I would love to hear your comments. Just send them to the address above.