Binkley/Milquetoast Log Analyzer - BinkLA Version 2.00 Copyright 1991 1992 by R.J. (Bob) Ross - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SysOp - RJ's Byteline BBS - FidoNet 1:134/75 24 May, 1992 BinkLA is free. It's my small contribution to the hobby. It may be freely copied and distributed. I do request that you register your copy of BinkLA though. This is primarily to feed my ego and satisfy my curiosity on where my programs are being used. I have a world map on my wall and stick map pins in at the geographical location of known users of my programs. If you use BinkLA I ask that you take a few moments to register it. It's easy to register! Just send NetMail to Bob Ross at FidoNet 1:134/75 and tell me that you are using BinkLA and any other comments, nastey or otherwise :-). Also please mention the version you are using so I can tell you if it's not the latest. Those who cannot contact me through FidoNet NetMail channels are invited to send me a letter/postcard to the following address: R.J. (Bob) Ross #107, 3730 50th Street North West Calgary, Alberta, CANADA T3A 2V9