WHAT IS THE CANDIDATE CONNECTION NETWORK ? The candidate connection Network is designed to give public service to the general public and to support our local Government. It has been designed to get the candidates back to the Grass Roots and to give the people a chance to have a face to face Q & A period 24 hours day. Our Network Plan, Policies and procedures come with the information Packet. This packet will explain How this network will increase your User Activity, and your BBS Exposure to your local public. It is a proven fact that user activity has increased By about 20 to 40% after following our plan for installing the Candidate Connection. And implamenting the CANDIDATE CONNECTION PLAN. This plan Carries over into none election Years. It has suggestions to keep the Candidate Connection going Step by step suggestions are added VIA the Original Network HUB. (The ARENA system) HOW DOSE IT WORK ? How it works is this The candidate for Public Office Calls the network Hub or Other addminstrative BBS', and retrives Mail left for them by the User. Then the candidate Answers all of their mail (via off line mail reader) and then sends it back to the sender. The Candidates Will have access to all Supporting BBS' in their local state. So that they maybeable to Respond to their MAIL at any given time. More information is included in the Candidate Connection Packet. WHO IS USING THE CANDIDATE CONNECTION NETWORK ? Currently All State and US Government Candidates have Been Notified By US Mail as to our Intent as of 07/05/1992. HOW DO I GET GOING WITH THE CANDIDATE CONNECTION ? To get involved and to have an information Packet sent to you, and to find out about starting a Candidate Conection in your state please contact: Ward Minson at: The Arena BBS / No. Ogden, UT. Data: (801)782-1820 24 Hrs. - 12/24/96/14.4K MODEM ACCESS Voice: (801)782-5381 or The Candidate Connection c/o The Arena BBS 715 E. 2100 N. North Ogden, Utah 84414