THE CANDIDATE CONNECTION Grass Root Connection: Send and receive Electronic Mail and information to the Grass Root People. Send and receive Files for distribution in campaign Work. (i.e Campaign Demo Software avalable to all callers or text files of information about the campaign) Receive Up to date Polling avalable through the Network. On any issue and topic Example: Who are you voting for? (note: Each poll is taken in different countys and citys so the information is pin pointed in local areas. This may help in targeting the Grass Root Supporters.) Advertise with a graphic representation of a campaign lawn sign. All callers See these signs every time they log into the Candidate Connection Network. (One Sign is seen on all network BBS'.) The Candidate can post their profile on the network for all callers to have access to this information. Posting of a Candidates calendar to let there supporters know when and where they will be speeking. There are many, many, more services that are offered to the Candidate so please call us so that we can get you on-line with your state. Thank you for your time in reading this information! Ward Minson The Candidate Connection c/o The Arena Systems BBS 715 E. 2100 N. North Ogden, Utah 84414 (801)782-5381