A chapter of boobs! Version 1.00 was a prototype. The source code to Version 2.00 documents all changes up to that time. Version 2.00 was provided to allow command line parameters other than a full address. Classic BUG 1: an array of[32][14] of char was not checked for more than 32 elements in the @filelist section. Now upgraded to [128][14] of char and checked for excess. This resulted on version 2.01. Incomplete addresses were accepted in version 2.01. Giving two command line parameters which could be interpreted as an incomplete address resulted in the last one given being used as the destination address. All addresses beyond the first destination address are now treated as filenames. Filenames with invalid characters result in an error message and abnormal program termination. MS-DOS 5.0 regards '-' as a valid filename character. The following are invalid '..','>','<',';','+', '/',',' or any control character. Version 2.02. This is a simple bugfix for 2.01. When I included the code for points I put in one too many else statements. This meant that if the command line "FR FILES /M 1000.3" were entered, the program ignored the listed file and asked for nodediff. "FR 1000.3 /M FILES" worked OK. I think it's fixed now.