February 14, 1993 GenMsg can function nicely with D'Bridge. To use it with D'Bridge you should have the ENVIRONMENT variable DB=DB_PATH or DBRIDGE=DB_PATH set, and the "DBridge On" variable set in your configuration file. To setup for use you can install it to be envoked via a Function-Key. This is done from the ADVANCED setup menu, Function-Keys assignments. Assuming you have GenMsg setup to run from the D'Bridge Directory, you would assign a Function Key to call it in this manner: +GenMsg The above setup will call GenMsg when the appropiate Function-Key is selected, after exiting GenMsg, the echo-mail and Netmail Queues will be re- scanned, and the "mail waiting" flags will be removed. You should also enable the "DBridge On" variable in GenMsg.ini GenMsg can also be installed in place of the Internal Editor. To do this you use the "Setup Editor" Menu of D'B. The setup values should be: Editor Type: Other ReScan Echomail: Yes Rebuild Queue: Yes +GenMsg When the "DBridge On" variable is set, GenMsg will create the various files D'Bridge uses to signal it should re-scan the echo-mail or netmail areas. It will also delete the files DBRIDGE.EMW and DBRIDGE.NMW if they exist. Again the "DBridge On" variable should be set in GenMsg.ini. -gk