The QWKNET concept By Keith Yox The QWKNET program is copyright (c) 1993 by Keith Yox ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QWKNET, by itself, has no security checking. For that reason, any QWKable conference can be accessed and linked by anyone. This can pose problems to SysOps who wish their conference(s) to be local. One possible solution would be to not make the conference(s) QWkable, but that would eliminate those that participate solely offline. Another solution would be to limit access to offenders, but that does not keep them from signing on using a different name. Whatever the case may be, there are possible problems caused by the use (or rather, abuse) of the QWKNET program. However, the purpose of this file is to outline the things that can be done using the program, not the problems it might cause. Hopefully, after reading this file, you will find that the possibilities outweigh the potential problems. First of all, in any "network" involving QWKNET, I prefer to call individual systems "link" rather than nodes. A traditional network usually has a rather rigid structure, and conferences are "network conferences"- meaning belong to, are created and removed by, the network coordinators. This minimizes the role of the individual BBS. The open-ended structure of QWKNET allows, in any network, the announcement of a conference, its owner (home BBS), and QWK conf number, for the purpose of extended the range of its (the conference's) contributors. Any system which receives this announcement may then carry the conference by either directly connecting with the home system or by connecting with a system that is carrying the conference. In the end, a network of those systems carrying the conference is created. The role of each individual system is as strong as its membership, following, and level of acitvity. With this software, QWKNET, other networks are easily gated. Not only can entire networks be merged into the QWKNET environment, but they can be merged into each other. As a result QWKNET takes care of its own as well as helps the growth of messaging networks in general.