Below are the brief user instructions on how to use the Remote Echo Control (REC) program. Please read these instructions carefully. While REC uses a common user interface, there will be some differences that you will need to be aware of. To use REC you simply send a net-mail message to this system, specifying a password, a list of any echos that you want turned on or off, and a list of any reports that you desire. The password will be provided to you by the Sysop of this system. You need to send your message to this system, addressed to any of the following names (case not important): REC, Remote Echo Control, Remote Control, AreaFix, or Echo Manager. On the subject line you need to put your password. In the body of the message you can then list the echos or reports that you desire. After your last change or report request, you need to add a "tear line" or 3 dashes "---". This will tell REC to ingore the rest of the message and you can then leave a message for the sysop of this system if you wish. To turn on an echo to your system, you just type in the echo tag name for the echo you want. You can put a "+" in front of the echo if you want to, but it isn't necessary. To turn off an echo that is being sent to your system, just type the echo tag name with a "-" character in front of the tag. You can put one change per line, however REC will consider each one individually. In other words, if you put 3 changes on a line with the first one having a "-" in front of it, REC will attempt to stop the first echo but will try to start the second two. There are also a series of echo reports that you can request from REC. These reports are Active, Available, and Forward. An Active report shows every echo being sent to your right now. The Available report shows every echo that is on your hub's system which you can access immediately, plus which echos are already Active to your system. The Forward report will show every echo that your hub can get for you from _their_ source, as well as which ones are already Active or Available. Due to the usual large size of the Forward report, it may be broken down in to 2 or 3 individual messages. If the Sysop of this system has enabled it, REC will also put a description on each that for which there is a description available. Here is a brief list of all the REC commands available: :Active - Produces the Active Echo Report :Available - Produces the Available Echo Report :Forward - Produces the Forward Echo Report :Suspend - Temporalily turns off all of your echos :Resume - Turns back on all echos turned of with "Suspend" :Help - This text message Here is a sample message: === start of sample To: REC on 1:104/435 Fr: Dan Fitch on 1:104/317 Sub: Password LOCAL_SYSOP -BAD_NEWS +NET_HELP :Active --- I like this. I can change my echo feed without even needing to bother you. I bet you like this even more than I do ! === End of sample REC will send back a reply message indicating what it tried to do and any problems it had in doing so. The most common problem is an attempt to access an echo to which you do not have authority to access on your own. If you get any messages you don't understand, please contact the sysop of this system. If they are unable to explain the message to you, they will get in contact with me and I will be happy to explain the situation. Thank you for taking the time to read this message. If you have any other questions, please contact the sysop of this system. Later!