ZONE Written by: Stephen Thomas Copyright @1992 This program is freeware as all of my programs are. You may use or delete it, that's up to you. It is guaranteed to take up hard drive space and that's about all. If you like this program and use it, GREAT! Don't feel abligated to send money. However, if you do use it, you can send me a short note stating that my programming isn't all in vain. My address is listed below as well as my FidoNet address. What does Zone do? That's easy, it takes a raw Nodelist, as is used in many Wide Area Networks like FidoNet, and makes files of each Zone listed in the nodelist. For example, if you look at the current FidoNet Nodelist, it contains 6 Zones located in different parts of the world. The file itself is over 1 meg in length. Zone will read that file in and creat seperate files for each zone. The output files will be called Zone??.???, that is they will have the same extension as the nodelist. How do I use Zone? That's easy too! Just type "Zone" followed by the and name of the nodelist you want broken down. Ie. Zone c:\fd\nodelist\nodelist.255 The output files for the example would be: Zone1.255 Zone2.255 Zone3.255 Zone4.255 Zone5.255 Zone6.255 Currently this version of Zone cannot determine the latest nodelist. So, until I figure out an easy way to get the Julian date in C++, you will have to provide both the nodelist name and extension... My Fido Address is: 6:731/3 My mailing address is: Stephen Thomas PSC 478i Bx 1389 Fpo Ap 96313-1802