ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Variable Signatures in PMail 2.3 (R4). ³ ³ (c) 1992, David Harris, All Rights Reserved. ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Now for a little fun - who said mail had to be all hard work! PMail 2.34 can pick a text fragment at random for you, and add it to your signature text. To create a variable signature resource, simply make a text file containing the text fragments from which you want PMail to choose at send-time. Each entry in the file must be separated from the next by a pair of '%' characters on a line of their own. The file must also start and end with a line containing only two '%' signs. Once you have created your source file (QUOTES.SRC is an example file you can use for this), issue the command TCOM QUOTES.SRC FOO QUOTES.PMS This will create the output file QUOTES.PMS, which you should then move into your home mailbox. The file MUST be called QUOTES.PMS or PMail will not find it. To activate a variable signature, you need to place the special sequence ~! (a tilde followed by an exclamation mark) at the place in your signature where you want the variation to occur. You can mix regular text and variable signatures if you wish. That's all there is to it! --- Remember that this is a signature, and is best kept short. Pithy one line funnies generally have the most effect in a signature. You can also replace your entire signature with a quote. This actually leads to some interesting applications: you could set up a machine with some new mail filtering rules which could send back an empty message with only a variable signature (no body). By doing this, you could implement an e-mail version of the old Eliza psychiatrist program, or a "quote server", or even a "thought for the day" server. Enjoy! -- David Harris -- 7 Sep '92.