WHAT'S NEW IN McOmr 1.2 ======================= The following are changes to v1.2 since the last version: * Quoted text are displayed in a different color when reading messages. * A new greeting string for entering/replying messages. * The conference lines in windows are more informative; showing the total messages in the conferences, messages unread and replied. * Typing 'S' to save text into a text file appends text instead of replacing the old file. * Options for automatically opening any of the list windows (or none at all) and option for starting in the screen mode selected instead of always defaulting to color mode. These options are available to registered users only. * McOmr keeps track of the messages you have read and replied for easier reading of messages you haven't read. > Personal windows for maximus qwk packets has been fixed. > Next message and previous message commands while viewing messages have been fixed. > Quoting of names with more than two words has been been fixed. NOTES ===== For some strange reason, McOmr's monochrome mode (/m on the command line) hangs on some 386 systems. Use black & white mode (/b) or color mode (/c) instead in such cases.