This Archive contains the first release of NanetMail. This is a beta release and expires 31 July '93, but a new release will be available by that date. The program, which includes a very nice windowing, multi-file text editor, is free. Nanet Mail allows you to prepare and upload Nanet Conference listings to the JOB SEARCH BBS (directly or via your local NANET BBS). JOB SEARCH will then automatically include these listings in Nanet Conference List. The purpose of the program is to facilitate the maintenance of the Nanet Conference list. This is inherently a distributed process, as it is the various Moderators and Sysops who control their conference entry. Maintaining a central list is essentially a mechanical effort. The program NANMAIL.EXE, which is distributed to each Moderator/Sysop, facilitates that. The program has built-in help (F1 and Help menu). The standard CUA user interface is used (Windows style), allows the use of a mouse and supports 25 or 50 line screen modes on compatible VGA monitors, as well as a clipboard and editors with "undo" capability. Detailed operating instructions are included in the file NANMAIL.HLP, which can be accessed in Browse (read-only) mode using the Help/Browse ... menu option. This is the initial release of this program, so we would appreciate any and all feedback. If you are downloading this file after July 31st, 1993, please note that this is an older version and a newer one should be available. The program itself remains fully functional, except that the message format is expected to be changed and that messages produced by this version may no longer be accepted. The message format used (DbMail) allows for routing across Echo Net-type networks, and contains certain control information that allows the receiving application program to extract the particular information it wants. (In the case of JobMail to post to its database.) A key feature is that this can be done automatically and without human intervention. The DbMail format is still under test, but the DbMail specifications are expected to be published as part of a future release. Frans van Duinen Master Programmer Group, Inc. 30 May 93