History: v1.06 - {25 in May '93} þ Fixed the ID Check. þ [Gareth Lewin] Added FixVersionID in case of previous attmpt of installing RemoteAccess v2.00. v1.05 - {15 in May '93} þ Added Force Upper Case to PATH, and added backslash to PATH. þ Added check to make sure running under RemoteAccess v1.11. þ Added check for the existance of the specified dir. Prompt to create if missing. þ RAFAO will change back to the startup directory when finished. v1.04 - {12-14 in May '93} þ Fixed bug in change board that didn't allow selecting the old board number. þ Added CheckFix to the make sure VALUE will stay between 0-32000. þ Fixed CloseWindow's order in ChangeFlags. Previouse order made too many CloseWindowes. Fixed similar problem with SWITHCES & SECURITY. þ [Gilad Even] Added hotkey search for area name. v1.00 - {12 in May '93} Got Fulkert's ok. No changes to code. v0.10 - {Abit later in May '93} Improved... v0.03 - {Begining of May '93} Added Global, Browse etc... Finished. v0.01 - {Sometime in April '93} The begining!