THD PROSCAN VERSION 5 --------------------- THD ProScan Version 5 has some minor changes from version 4. The main reason for its release was the release (finally) of PKZIP 204e. Because this new version of PKZIP changes the code for its self extracting archives THD also needed to be revised (to recognize them). ---***--- Also because of this revision, PKZIP version 204e is absolutely required for the testing of "ZIP" archives. Use of earlier versions will cause valid files to fail. ---***--- THD ProScan now recognizes the newest self extracting archives from PKZIP. However because of the inability to find anyone with a registered copy of PKZIP, I have made a "guess" as to what will constitute the "AV" protection in these new "ZIP" files. There is no guarantee that the method used therein will be 100% accurate. However if I find it is not, I will certainly release an update to take care of that. The other MAJOR change to this version is the introduction of the "HACK LIST". By using a list of filenames THD can reject (without testing) any file found on that list. That list MUST be one line per entry with file names only (no extensions). It is 100% compatible with the HACK REPORT's "COL" file (the comments in that file will be ignored). The filenames in that list must be in CAPITAL letters ONLY. Files rejected for testing by this method will be moved to the "reject" directory for later testing by the sysop. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **************************** INSTALLATION SAVIOR *************************** Due to popular demand the installation has been simplified for those persons running VERSION 4 of THD ProScan. The installation can now accept a path to a version 4 THDPRO.EXE as its parameter. Typing ... THDINSTL.EXE C:\PRO-4\THDPRO.EXE will cause the install to search the THDPRO.EXE in the "C:\PRO-4" directory and if found use the paths etc from that file. It will then prompt you for the name of the hack list to be used (which can be skipped by pressing "ENTER"). Another suggestion from a user prompted me to allow THDPRO to accept a second parameter. That other parameter must be supplied AFTER the filepath to be tested and can ONLY be a number between 0 and 8. Using such a parameter will cause the user output to be sent to the comport corresponding to the number sent as the second parameter. Selecting "0" will cause all remote output to be suppressed (for use by users who are still online to a BBS). This will be useful for those persons running multi-node BBS's who wish to use the same copy of THD ProScan for both nodes. In this case one could configure THDPRO.EXE for com1 and override that setting when a file was to be tested on com2 by supplying "2" as a parameter after the filepath. The only acceptable separator for these parameters is a space. Please note that this tester was not written for multitasking and I cannot guarantee the results if it is called by both nodes at the same time. If the comport is supplied with a "/" or other separator, the second parameter will simply be ignored and all output will be sent to the default comport. THDPRO.EXE C:\FILES\TEST.ZIP would cause the to be tested using the default comport for user output. THDPRO.EXE C:\FILES\TEST.ZIP 4 would cause the to be tested using comport 4 regardless of the default comport. The delays internal to the tester (specifically the delay for ansi detect and the final delay while the ansi finishes) have been lengthened to allow some very fast systems with slow connect rates to complete their task. The delays will only be used when necessary to send the proper code and will not waste time after the code has been sent. One of the biggest headaches with version 4 has been it's annoying tendency to choke on archives which had files with illegal filenames. When an archive was extracted which had a space (or other illegal character in its name) the tester was unable to delete it at the appropriate time and would choke with a runtime error. This has been repaired in version 5. Beginning with Version 5, THD Proscan will now display the name of the file being tested as well as an ending message to let you know that it has finished running.