Caller Quoter v1.3 by Tim Powell For Renegade BBS's --------------------------------- BugFixes ------------- Names with more than 2 words won't be chopped off. Also Allows bigger names. Intro ------------- Lets callers optionally update a quote that appears at logon. The Users can optionally enter a 2 line quote at logoff. Similar to that of SearchLight BBS. Setup ------------- (Documentation assumes knowledge of Renegade menu editor) * Make a startout menu and insert a command to create door.sys (DG) and then make it run a batch file that changes to the directory of cquote. Finally have it run the main program file with the /S option for SHOW quote. * Modify your goodbye menu so that when the user logs off it will first run cquote as stated above except with the /G paramater for GET quote from user. IMPORTANT : Your Batch file must copy an updated Door.sys to the SAME directory as Cquote.exe, unless this program is run directly from your BBS directory which is SUGGESTED. Any Questions? Comments? Call: The Realm of Darkness BBS SysOp: Dark Mage 404-969-8232 USTGnet : 85:880/211 FIDONet : 1:133/525