SFUSULDL -------- I saw a message on PC Relay asking for this program from Bob Becker. I am sure there are going to be requests to modify this a little, but I figured, this is a good start. This program produces a list of all of your users in order of either files uploaded or download. You choose which to use, upload or download, and in which order (ascending or descending) using command line options described below. It will write a file called SFUSULDL. This is shareware but I am only asking that you donate $5 to the Heart association... Please don't take this lightly... They need our help. To run this program... Type SFUSULDL /PC:\SF the /PC:\SF is optional tells SFUSULDL where Spitfire.exe is... If you use the SFPATH environment variable or if you run SFUSULDL from the Spitfire directory, then the /P is not required. The only other parameters are optional and are: /DESC to request the list be in descending order /DL to request it be sorted by number of files downloaded /NOZERO do not list callers with zero ul/dl (must have one or the other) Also, callers with either negative uploads or downloads will not be listed at all. v.1.1 uses some new i/o routines I created which makes this extremely quick.