; This is a List of Some of the International Codes I know of. Use this ; in full or in part if you need to, whether it be in the either the ; VFAREACD.LST file or the VFBAD.LST file. There may be more, but this ; will give you a good start. Be sure if you use this file, to be sure ; and take out the semi-colons, and anything that follows them. ; 204 ; Manitoba Canada 306 ; Saskatchewan 403 ; Northwest Territories 416 ; Ontario 418 ; Quebec 506 ; New Brunswick 514 ; Quebec 519 ; Ontario 600 604 ; British Columbia 613 ; Ontario 700 ; Special Toll Calls 705 ; Ontario 706 ; Mexico 709 ; Newfoundland 710 711 807 ; Ontario 809 ; Caribbean Islands 810 811 819 ; Quebec 902 ; Nova Scotia/ Prince Edward Island 903 905 ; Mexico 907 ; Alaska 684 ; American Samoa 54 ; Argentina 61 ; Australia 973 ; Bahrain 55 ; Brazil 541 ; Buenos Aires 56 ; Chile 593 ; Ecuador 679 ; Fiji Islands 689 ; French Polynesia 49 ; Germany Federal Republic 671 ; Guam 592 ; Guyana 852 ; Hong Kong 62 ; Indonesia 98 ; Iran 964 ; Iraq 972 ; Israel 81 ; Japan 254 ; Kenya 82 ; Korea 965 ; Kuwait 64 ; New Zealand 675 ; Papua New Guinea 51 ; Peru 63 ; Phillippines 966 ; Saudi Arabia 65 ; Singapore 27 ; South Africa 886 ; Taiwan 66 ; Thailand 971 ; United Arab Emirates 58 ; Venezuela