------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Auto-Validate v.2.7 for Telegard v.2.7 This program will let you, a Telegard SysOp, let a user AutoValidate himself to whatever setting you set in the system config. Telegard has a 'bug' in it at this point in time that will not actually 'store' a user's new settings for the next call. Telegard will validate a user for the current session, but when he logs off, is info is not stored. AVALID8.EXE corrects this, letting a user validate himself. This program is 100% free. Enjoy it! - Place AVALID8.EXE into the main BBS dir (ex. C:\BBS) where the STATUS.DAT file is located. - Wherever in your BBS menu structure you have the AutoValidation function, insert a new menu command line immediately after the autovalidation function (Cmdkeys OA) with the Cmdkeys D- to run a door. This new menu command line that runs the door must have an MString setting of AVALID8.EXE @R Note that the Cmd letters for both the AutoValidation and for the door should be the same (ex. V). The Long and Short descripts should be blank for the door menu command line as well. - It's also a good idea to set the security level only for users who need to be validated. Use the Telegard '!' to not allow the higher levels. This version also fixes a bug from the first version. It will no longer change an already validated user's settings to that of the new user defaults. If you are over the new user settings...it leaves your accout alone. We hope you find this program useful. If you need any help or advice, call the Tack Room B.B.S. (516) 579-9392 and leave a note for RoadRunner and/or The Equestrian God. We can also be reached on MagNet node 100:901/1.0. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------