------------------------------------------------------------------------------- User Profile - Version 2.7 (for Telegard v.2.7) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once again, I am programming away! More and more utilities keep popping into my head. Isn't Telegard a wonderful B.B.S.? Anyway, this program, User Profile, creates both an .MSG and an ANSI screen of user's stats (not all users...just the one on-line!). I made the very first menu on my B.B.S. called FIRST.MNU (remember to alter this in the system configuration if you end up creating a new menu), and entered a FIRSTCMD and a D- in it to run USER.BAT @B @N. My USER.BAT resides in the main B.B.S. directory, and it simply consists of changing over to the GFILES directory (the one with the USER.LST and the LASTON.DAT in it), and then runs USER.EXE with 4 parameters as follows: USER.EXE D:\BBS\AFILES\USER.ANS D:\BBS\AFILES\USER.MSG %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 Get it? The filenames and paths of the screens it will create, and then the %'s to grab the @B and @N (baud rate and user name) that Telegard is passing to the batch file (although you are only passing baud rate and user name, you still need several %'s - you never know how long the user name is). OK, so the FIRSTCMD ran the door....now you need to insert another menu line in the FIRST.MNU to display the screen to the user. The command for that is -F (and FIRSTCMD also), and on the MString line you enter (in this case) USER. This will display to the user the USER.ANS or the USER.MSG (which is in the AFILES directory) depending upon his/her settings. You could also simply run this program as a door instead of creating a FIRST.MNU. But I wanted to get rid of Telegard's User Info in the logon and enter this bulletin in it's place - which the FIRST.MNU will do for you. Just remember to remove the user info in logon from the system configuration. I think that covers it...in advance let me tell you that I'm sorry if I left something out of the dox...but I think I covered it all. Also, I know that I am not the 'original' author of this program...but I have not a clue who is. I do not want to 'piss' anyone off, but I feel that since I re-did a program that I saw on someone else's B.B.S., I would not worry on tracking down the 'original' author. In any case, I hope you enjoy the program. This version includes a pause at the end of the screen. And now it does not say The Tack Room on evey copy...sorry...last version I distributed my own personal version. If you want your BBS name on top, leave me a note on my bbs, and I will compile one just for you! Once again, if you have any comments/suggestions please give my B.B.S. a call - The Tack Room B.B.S. (516) 579-9392 - MagNet 100:901/1.0. Or just call and say hi! I would love some comments/suggestions...or even some good ideas on what to write next. I have some AWESOME projects in the making. You can call up my B.B.S. to see them...or wait a few weeks and look for more of my utilities! Hugs and kisses, The Equestrian God -------------------------------------------------------------------------------