========================================================================= || The Hack Report || Notes on the for April, 1993 || April, 1993 Issue || ========================================================================= This month's issue was delayed due to situations beyond my control, namely severe weather (which kept my system offline) and a case of food poisoning (which kept me offline). I apologize for the delays and for any inconvenience experienced by the highly valued readers of this report. PLEASE NOTE - the May issue of The Hack Report will NOT be released on the first Sunday of the month. The release date has been pushed back to the SECOND Sunday of May (May 8th, 1993). For those of you who _really_ like to plan ahead, this will happen on every May issue, since the normal release date conflicts with the date of the O. Henry Pun-Off World Championships, held at the O. Henry Museum in Austin, TX. Please forgive this, but I have a two-year consecutive title to defend. ;-) This change will only affect the May issue: the June issue will resume the usual first Sunday release date. Lee Jackson Co-Moderator, FidoNet International Echo SHAREWRE Moderator, FidoNet Echo WARNINGS (1:382/95)