This file is copied to a file called node.. if the file named node exists then it is renamed to node1.nod or node2.nod depending on which node actually went into the door... after the door is used then a del *.nod is done to get rid of all the *.nod files.. then node.txt is copied to node and it is ready for another user. If the door is in use then that means the the file called node does not exist and the user of the door is sent to the end of the batch file with the message that the door is in use and to try again in a few minutes.. also the *.nod file is deleted each night as part of a batch file... below is the batch file that runs the whole thing... This batch file is used by the two nodes that I have on line.... node2 has used the environment. Set WCNODEID=2 is what I used. I also use a seperate cat2.bat file to have node2 access the wildcat files in a common directory. The rest is just testing for immediate use of the door. If it is in use then the second user is sent to the end of this batch file and told to try again in a few moments... CD \Doors If exist node goto doit Goto end :doit IF %WCNODEID% == 2 GOTO NODE2 Rename node node1.nod Copy c:\wC30\WCWORK\NODE1\userinfo.dat [Uses data from this file and writes it] Copy c:\wC30\WCWORK\NODE1\DOOR.SYS [Only uses data from this file.] Btime3 his Copy USERINFO.DAT c:\WC\WCWORK\NODE1\userinfo.dat GOTO BOTH :NODE2 Rename node node2.nod Copy c:\wC30\WCWORK\NODE2\userinfo.dat Copy c:\wC30\WCWORK\NODE2\DOOR.SYS Btime3 his Copy USERINFO.DAT c:\wc30\WCWORK\NODE2\userinfo.dat :Both Copy btime.his c:\WC30 Copy bull.scr c:\WC30\DISP\hello5.scr Copy bull.bbs c:\WC30\DISP\hello5.bbs Copy c:\WC30 Copy node.txt node Del *.nod c: cd \wC30 Exit :end ctty aux1 cls echo . echo . echo . echo Sorry the Door is in use by another node.. Please try in a few Minutes. echo . echo Returning you back to the BBS - Please stand by...................