M E S S A G E E D I T I N F O Upon finalizing entry of a message, either by pressing [ESCAPE] or pressing consequtive [ENTER]'s, the following sub-prompt appears: Edit Message [A]bort, [C]ontinue, [I]nsert, [L]ist, [E]dit, Ca[r]bon [Q]uote, [F]ull Screen, [D]elete, [S]ave, [H]elp? [ ] Below is a breakdown of each of the options. [A]bort - This will not update the message and will cancel all changes made during the editing session. [C]ontinue - You will be able to continue editing the message. The cursor will be positioned at the last line you entered and return you to SINGLE LINE editing mode. [I]nsert - Allows insertion of new lines in the text. You are prompted for the line number where new lines should be inserted. You are then asked to enter your text, and then your new line(s) are added at the chosen number. Any number of new lines will be inserted as word-wrap creates more new lines as needed. [L]ist - This will redisplay the message with normal screen pauses in effect (if needed), and present you with the above Edit Message prompt. [E]dit - The message line editor is probably one of the most misunderstood functions in message entry. A search for text to be changed is followed by insertion of the corrected text. The old and new text is seperated by a ";". The terminology used is OLDSTRING for the text to be replaced and NEWSTRING for the new text. After asking for the line number to be edited, WILDCAT! needs to know what needs to be changed. The syntax for this procedure is: OLDSTRING;NEWSTRING (note the semicolon between the two words). This command is translated as "Take the first occurrence of the characters OLDSTRING and delete them, then insert the characters NEWSTRING in the same location. For example, if the message line reads: "this is a message to shw how to use th Edit command." Obviously we need to change two errors, the word "th" for "the" and "shw" for "show". First lets fix "shw" by using the command "shw;show" which scans for the word "shw" and replaces it with "show". Now the harder correction. Notice that the first occurrence of the incorrect text "th" is actually a part of correct text "this" in the 1st word. Therefore we can't simply use the command "th;the" or the new message will read "theis is a message...". The proper method is to broaden the OLDSTRING search to include additional unique text such as "use th;use the" Notice that we can replace any number of letters even with a shorter or longer NEWSTRING. After an edit the caller is presented with the corrected line and allowed to make more corrections, if needed. A blank [C/R] terminates the Edit mode. Ca[r]bon - You will be prompted for the user name(s) of the users that you want to receive copies of the message being edited. [Q]uote - Allows you to quote all or part of the message being replied to. You are asked for the start line to quote and then you need to enter the last line to quote. You then need to [C]ontinue your message and you will be positioned at the end of the quoted lines. Press [ENTER] and enter your reply to the message. [F]ull Screen - This will take you back to the full screen editor and will put you in edit mode. [D]elete - You will be prompted for the line number to delete. The editor will then redisplay the line you want to delete and will ask for confirmation before actually deleting the line. [S]ave - After the message has been proofread and edited, the save command will update the message base with the message and appropriate carbon copies, if requested. [H]elp - Display this help information.