F I L E M E N U O P T I O N S [Q].......Quit to Main Menu Exits the FILE Menu and returns to MAIN Menu. [I]...Information on a file This menu choice prompts you for the name of a file available on the system. After entering the filename you are shown additional info regarding the person who uploaded the file, the last date it was accessed, whether a password is required, and the remaining information from the file listing command, including the attached message or extended description. [L]....List available Files This is the menu choice used to view the files available for download from the current conference. Each conference contains specific file area listings, and they may vary from conference to conference. Any file available in any conference may be download from any conference, but will only be listed in conferences to which is is assigned. [D]......Download a File(s) This option allows transferring files from the BBS system to your computer. There are a number of different methods of transferring files which are fully explained in the menu choice [F].....File Transfer Info. Following a request for download you will be prompted for the name of the file (or files) and a protocol to use. When the BBS indicates it is "ready to send" you should begin your own local transfer procedures using the same protocol selected when the download was started. You may download up to 99 files using internal batch protocols such as Ymodem and Zmodem. Even non-batch protocols can queue up to 99 files for repetitive auto-download. [U]........Upload a File(s) Allows sending a file from YOUR system to the BBS. Batch file transfers may be done using some protocols. See the Upload function for additional specific help. [N].....New Files since [N] Displays a sub-prompt requesting the date to use as a basis for the search. The default date is the last time you used this particular option, not your last logon. A new user's search date is always set to "01/01/80". You can logon for weeks, even months, and providing the [N] option is not selected during a particular logon, the default date will not be changed. In addition to the automatic default date discussed above, you may manually enter any date from which to start a new files search, allowing a display of all files added since any date desired. [T].............Text Search Allows searching for text in the file name and description of files in the current conference database. The search may be further narrowed by specifying a file mask (*.ZIP, etc) or Keywords. See the additional help for this feature for more details after selecting this option. [S]...Stats on Up/Downloads Statistics presents you with a complete summary of file information for both the system as well as your own file database activity and limits. It includes number and size of uploads & downloads for today and since your first call, as well as your limits for your established security level. [F].....File Transfer Info. Presents a lengthy display file containing extensive information on various file transfer protocols available, including Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem, ASCII, and others. It can give you help on what protocols are fastest, and which should be used in different situations. [G].......Goodbye & Log-Off Disconnects you from the BBS and terminates your connection. [H]..............Help Level WILDCAT! supports three different levels of menu prompts. The first and the default value for new users is the Novice level. At this level, the user is presented with full dynamic menus, .BBS plain menus or .SCR color menus, and a command line prompt containing the name of current menu area (MAIN, MESSAGE, FILE, SYSOP), and the first character for a particular option in the current menu. The characters presented agree with the letter designator selected for that option. The second level is the Regular level. At this level, only the command line is presented with the name of the current area of the system and the first letter option designators. No menus are displayed at this level. The final and highest level is the Expert level. At this level, only the particular area of the system is indicated. No menus or letter designators are included. The HELP LEVEL command is available in ALL major menus and the usage is exactly the same in each of them. [?]............Command Help Displays this Help information screen. [M].........Message Section Presents the Message Menu, without traversing through the Main Menu. [V]........View an ARC file This selection is designed to allow viewing of a compressed file saved in one of a number of formats such as .ARC, .LZH, .ZIP, or .ZOO. You are prompted for a valid filename and the contents of the compressed file are displayed. [R]........Read a Text File A sub-prompt requests the name of any ASCII file listed in the file database. The selected text file is displayed with appropriate screen pauses. Files which are obviously not in ASCII format such as .COM, .EXE, .ARC, .ZIP etc. are accepted at the sub-prompt, but a warning is issued that the file may be unreadable when displayed. [J].........Join Conference Used to change conferences. Each conference contains ONE message section and may also have a number of file areas available. Conference descriptions are displayed when this command is selected, and additional help files in that area fully explain procedures for changing conferences. [E]........Edit Marked List This option is used to edit the list of files [M]arked for download. You can add, delete and clear the entire list of files selected. Information about transfer time for each file, along with total Kbytes and transfer time are displayed. This list is only maintained for the current logon. If you decide not to download the [M]arked files and logoff, the list will be automatically cleared.