M A R K M S G S C O M M A N D Marking messages from the message base allows for fast and easy reading of messages from the currently joined conference. After marking the messages you want to read, selecting [R]ead Message(s) from the Message Menu will display an option to read those [M]arked Messages. This will cause only those messages chosen to be viewed. Conference 000 - General Message Area 1) Msg:145 Fm:ORION HILL To:ALL Sb:TIPC Users Group 2) Msg:146 Fm:SEAN THOMAS To:ALL Sb:Re: UL of A-BBSS.LZH 3) Msg:147 Fm:WARREN CRAIG To:SEAN THOMAS Sb:Mac Advantages... 4) Msg:148 Fm:LEE ETHERIDGE To:ALL Sb:**StarFire** 5) Msg:149 Fm:CHRIS DICELY To:WARREN CRAIG Sb:Mac Advantages... 6) Msg:150 Fm:ISRAEL CLEWS To:WARREN CRAIG Sb:format -Pause- [C]ontinue, [M]ark, [N]onstop, [S]top? [ ] After scanning message headers and selecting the [M]ark option the following mark prompt is displayed: Mark message command [#, #-#], [A]ll, [H]elp)? [ ] Each screen full of message headers is numbered from 1 to the maximum number which will fit on a single screen display. Choosing the number to the far left of the actual message number, ie - 2) for message number 146 in the above example will flag that message as being marked. Specified numbers can be entered, as can ranges of numbers. To mark messages numbered 146, 148, 149 150, simply enter [2, 4-6] at the prompt. All listed messages can be marked for reading with the [A]ll command.