" The KID CRUSHER " By John Kleinbauer From The Free For All BBS 201 998 7337 For PCBoard 14-15 Hi my name is John Kleinbauer and I have been a Sysop for almost three years and here is what I have learned. I started having really bad problems with someone coming in late at night and registering under several new fake and insulting names every night. I was getting more and more users but the same amount of calls. When I deleted the names from the data base the person would only add them again. If I locked them out they would only change part of the name (like PAT to PATTY) this went on for over a month. I decided to just ignore the problem and hope it would go away. At the end of week I had over fifty new users and only some were real. At this point I decided to make my BBS private until I could come up with something. While reading my PCBoard manual to find out how to make my BBS private I noticed that you can operate a closed board but still allow people to fill out an application. After the caller fills out the NEWASK+Regular questions he is given the level set for new callers. He can look around the BBS download the master zip but when the BBS hangs up on them and they are not added to the data base. This was close to what I wanted. All that remains of their visit is a text file containing their answers. With my BBS set up only to allow an application to be filled out I started verifying people by calling them voice. It was at this point I was to gain the most insight. People over the age of twenty-one tend to use their real name and to show some manners. Whenever I called someone under the age of twenty-one I would get their parents who would scream to them to pick up the phone. You can also bank on the fact that during the call someone will pickup the phone and say "Bobby I NEED THE PHONE". The other fact I learned about KIDS is they load up their dialing directory with tons of numbers and just start calling with reckless abandonment. After Mommy and Daddy get the first phone bill little Bobby is only allowed to call locally. The third thing is they don't know one BBS from the other nor do they read anything. Bouncing from one BBS to an other they live in a half reality and half fantasy world. I had one little PEST fill out an application a dozen times before he realized he was not in the data base. I clearly state in my Newuser letter that you will not be added to my data base until I check your upload for quality and completeness. On my BBS I require an UPLOAD to join as a fee and it also keeps new programs coming in. When I see a upload with a new name then I go looking for the application. You might not want to do this on your board but it does get rid of the file leaches. Most leaches don't know how to upload or have some kind of hardware excuse. If someone doesn't know how to upload I don't want them on my board. I have always been a top uploader while running a BBS so I turn a deaf ear to any complaints. After gathering all my data here is how I finally set up my Board. A NEWUSER comes into the BBS and he is greeted with the NEWUSER letter which tells him he needs to upload a great program to join and he will not be added to the data base unless the program is good. If he agrees to this he is then asked a few quick questions. Then he gets a very small menu with only a few options. He can Download the Master ZIP and leave. He can upload a program to join which I will check and then I will add him to my data base. Every time the person comes back they have to read the NEWUSER screen and fill out the Questionaire until I add them to my data base. This is a small inconvenience which sometimes causes the liars to mess up. People who are good users are only glad to upload to join. Kids who keep bouncing in under various names without reading get nowhere. Thus I call my system " The Kid Crusher ". All I have to do as a Sysop is wait for an upload. File suckers and leaches get bounced out because most of them don't know how to upload. In the end you only have good users on your BBS and other people will either shape up or get bounced out. This method also works for people I call holiday shoppers. They only call during holidays to add themselves to the BBS data base never to call until the next holiday. OK here we Go........ Go into PCBSETUP ÖÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ· º Main Menu Use w/ PCB 14.5aº ºÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĺ º º º A Sysop Information º º B File Locations 1 º º C File Locations 2 º º D Modem Information º º E Node / Event / Subscription º º >>>>>>> F Options 1 <<<<<<< º º G Options 2 º º H Options 3 º º I User Levels º º J Main Board Configuration º º K Conferences º º º Hit " F " Options 1 1. Run System as a Closed Board : Y 2. Set Include 'Uploaded By' In Desc : Y (Log can be used instead) 3. Set Use NEWASK+Standard Questions : Y Options #1 Disable Message Scan Prompt : N Display NEWS Only if Changed : N Disable 3-minute Screen Clear : N Display User Info at Login : N Disable Registration Edits : N >> Include 'Uploaded By' in Desc : Y << Disable High-ASCII Filter : N Verify Files Uploaded : Y Disable NS Logon Feature : N Allow Local SHELL to DOS : Y Disable Password Check (DOS) : Y Pre-load PCBTEXT File : N Multi-Lingual Operation : N Pre-load CNAMES File : N Disable Full Record Updating : N >> Use NEWASK+Standard Questions : Y << >> Run System as a Closed Board : Y << Allow One Name Users : N Use Non-Graphics Mode Only : N Log Caller Number to Disk : N Exit to DOS After Each Call : Y Log Connect String to Disk : Y Eliminate Screen Snow in PCB : N Log Security Level to Disk : Y Allow ESC Codes in Messages : N Read PWRD on Conference Join : N Allow Carbon-Copy Messages : Y Confirm Caller Name / Address : N Validate TO: Name in Messages : Y Allow Password Failure Comment : Y Enforce Daily Time Limit : Y Warning on Logoff Command : N Keyboard Timeout (in min, 0=disable) : 5 Max Number of Lines in Scrollback : 100 Number of Upload Description Lines : 12 Hit ESC to leave This Screen Hit " I " User Levels 4. Set Download a File,Upload a File, and Transfer Protocol to 1 or 0 User Security Levels A) Abandon Conference : 20 Q) Quick Message Scan : 20 B) Bulletin Listings : 20 R) Read Messages : 20 C) Comment to Sysop : 20 S) Script Questionnaire : 10 >> D) Download a File : 0 << >> T) Transfer Protocol : 0 << E) Enter a Message : 20 >> U) Upload a File : 1 << F) File Directory : 15 V) View Settings : 15 H) Help Functions : 20 W) Write User Info. : 15 I) Initial Welcome : 20 X) Expert Mode Toggle : 10 J) Join a Conference : 20 Y) Your Personal Mail : 20 K) Kill a Message : 50 Z) Zippy DIR Scan : 15 L) Locate File Name : 15 CHAT Between NODEs : 110 M) Mode (graphics) : 20 OPEN a DOOR : 40 N) New Files Scan : 15 TEST a File : 40 O) Operator Page : 60 USER Search/Display : 50 P) Page Length : 10 WHO is On Another Node : 110 Level Required for BATCH File Transfers : 50 Level Required to EDIT Your Own Messages : 15 Level Given to Users Who Agree to Register : 1 Level Given to Users Who Refuse to Register : 0 Hit ESC to Leave this Screen Hit " B " File Locations 1 4. Set up a level 1 like below. Name/Loc of PWRD File : C:\PCB\MAIN\PWRD PCBoard Setup Utility Edit Passwords File Base Batch Password Sec Time K Bytes Baud Rate Limit ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ÍÍÍÍÍ ÍÍÍÍÍ ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ÍÍÍÍÍ 0 0 0 0 0 1 20 0 0 0 << Set up a level 10 20 0 0 0 like this for 15 30 0 0 0 SEC 1 20 20 0 0 0 30 30 50 0 0 40 40 300 0 0 50 50 800 0 0 60 60 9999 0 0 70 70 9999 0 0 80 80 9999 0 0 90 196 9999 0 0 100 196 9999 0 0 105 196 9999 0 0 110 196 9999 0 0 Name/Loc of FSEC File : C:\PCB\MAIN\FSEC Edit Download Security File Drive \ Path File Name Sec Password ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ÍÍÍÍÍ ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ PCBOARD.* 110 PCB145.* 110 C:\PCB\MAIN\ *.* 100 0 E:\DIR28\ MASTER.ZIP 0 FREE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Now that you have it all setup log on locally or remotely trying several names. Logging on a second time you should be greeted with the NEWUSER screen and NEWASK+Regular questions a second time showing that everything is working. While you are on logged on try to see what you can do like downloading the master ZIP and reading bulletins. At this point decide what you want new callers to be able to do on the first call. Watch your log for the next few weeks and make a few adjustments until you have it your way. In the NEWASK questions you will need to ask for a PASSWORD of eight letters or less. I also have for my last question do you have anything short to say....this has tipped the scales on alot of people. A few people have left some really rude answers but I just make a note of their name for future pay back ;). OK I think I have given you enough info how to setup The Kid Crusher feel free to modify it to suit your needs. Even if you tell the users they won't be added to your data base until you check their answers some will still try various names. Keep you eyes on your log file and write down the names of people using different names. These are people who usually try to have more than one account on your board. If you setup your board correctly you can easily switch " The Kid Crusher " on or off just by changing " Run System as a Closed Board " :Y to :N. Well Good luck and I hope this helps you with your problems... I have been running " The KID Crusher "for almost four months without one problem. Caller ID works good too but it is more work and quit expensive $7.95 for the service and $60.00 for the box then there is software and time spent looking for bad numbers. My " KID Crusher " works just as well with less work. I only look at applications if I see an upload...but once in awhile I read the applications just for laughs. John