108 files found in Library "BBS Utilities #2"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
MACROCVT.ZIP Yes 5899 8/26/1993
MACRO CONVERT v1.0; Program for converting
the @MACRO codes in FeatherNet BBS v4.2a's
screens to the NEW code names in FeatherNet
BBS v5.0. This will work for ASCII, ANSI,
XCODE & RIP screens and menus.
MAKEFREQ.ZIP Yes 4159 8/8/1993 Freq file list generator for Ezycom BBS.
MASTR20.ZIP Yes 51948 1/7/1995
[ NEWS MASTER v2.0 ] News Bulletin generator
for Spitfire, RA, Wildcat and others. Creates
ANSI/ASCII news bulletins. 9 formats to
choose from Fast and easy to use and setup.
Uses your favorite text editor. It Allows
multiple entries in the same file. Saves
entry to top or bottom of file, and when the
max configured number is reached it deletes
the oldest entry automatically. View your
newsletter without leaving the program.
MCB104.ZIP Yes 207990 11/13/1993
MetroCore, Basic Edition, Version 1.04 A
sophisticated BBS center/hub, for access to
more than one BBS program or utility, even in
multinode setups. Has many other uses, too,
like DOOR monitor, BBS greeting and pre-load,
program downloading front-end, product
support area, etc. Requires FOSSIL driver.
M-M registrants upgrade for FREE!
MCFRE22.ZIP Yes 42489 8/13/1994
MCFRE.EXE Online Free Disk Space Door/DOS
Utility for ANY BBS type - Also distributed
as part of the RATPak utility collection
RATPAK22.ARJ by McSoft Corp.
MC_CBV30.ZIP Yes 212622 7/21/1994
MotorCity Callback Verifier, now with
CALLER*ID & JAM support
MERGS1B3.ZIP Yes 153311 12/5/1994
MERGESYS v1.00�3 - BBS file list manager!
Eliminate ALL the duplicate file entries on
your PCBoard or other BBS, even between file
lists, automatically; keep\replace entries,
merge lists, more! MANDATORY with multiple
CD's on-line. Will work on almost ANY type or
size of sorted ASCII text file. Now with
batch files and major new features over �2.
The Flagship of a suite of file description
management utilities designed for the busy
MM.ZIP Yes 369735 9/16/1994 Mortgage Market ONLINE BBS Demo program
MMUPS151.ZIP Yes 15807 8/25/1993
MM Uploads v1.51; Superior New File lists;
Create easy to read and colourful New File
Bulletins that also include a "Thank you"
note to all the uploaders contributing.
MOVESL13.ZIP Yes 34686 2/3/1995 Move- A .DIR sorter and file list creator
MSGMKR10.ZIP Yes 67547 1/3/1995
Imports TEXT file as a message into a GAP BBS
message base, any forum. Support for attached
files, command line parameter or config file,
echo message, public or private, alternate
FROM or TO name, SUBJECT, TAGLINE, or read
DOOR.SYS for TO name. Written by Tony Summy,
author of The MainMail System!
MSGRTO12.ZIP Yes 83744 9/5/1993
MESSAGE/RATIO v1.2� Encourages your users to
become more active in your message bases, for
the "Posting" of messages!! Limits access to
areas of your choice by a specific Post/Ratio
MSGWLL31.ZIP Yes 166718 12/14/1994
A BBS Utility that will let your users post
messages at logon. This works for all types
of BBS software. Shareware $5.00!
MSV30.ZIP Yes 114403 11/6/1994
Menu Swapper v3.0 - Shiver & Associates
Allows the users of WWIV BBS Systems to
choose their own MAin Menu and Transfer menus
for use on the Bulletin Board.
MULTIV79.ZIP Yes 15239 9/9/1993
Run SBBS under a wide selection of
multi-tasking environments.
NAMEBBS.ZIP Yes 13546 12/31/1993
Pick an original name for your bulletin board
with "NameBBS". We surveyed several thousand
systems to spot trends in BBS naming. NameBBS
uses this data to invent NEW names. Generate
business-like names or silly names. Thousands
of names can be displayed. NameBBS is another
fine product from Pinnacle Software, creators
of the Sapphire bulletin board system.
NCHAT_PP.ZIP Yes 15170 10/2/1993
A NEW and better split screen chat! Faster,
better looking, more features, more
configurable, and FREE! Release
NEWFI213.ZIP Yes 34292 10/30/1994
NEWFILES 2.13: Generates bulletins showing
uploaded files "nnn" days old. Supports
different nodes and conferences. Will now
display all lines in FILES.BBS files for the
uploaded files. For Powerboard 1.25a This
version fixes the input passed end of file
NEWIES41.ZIP Yes 125948 2/4/1995
Creates NEWS Bulletins \ Screen Bulletins for
Spitfire BBS, WildCat, TRIBBS, PCBoard and
more! Produces ASCII, ANSI and RIP Screen!
Fully configurable colors allow you to make
just the right Newsletter - Bulletin you want
for your BBS. Even supports solid background
colors! Now with its own EDITOR! Features
such as: Overwrite; Append, Viewing, Edit and
NEWMSG.ZIP Yes 4218 11/18/1993
Control file to update security and write
personal message to new users on their second
call, for Powerboard BBS 1.25A.
NEWSPLUS.ZIP Yes 44296 4/1/1994
NEWSplus V2.0 News Bulletin generator for RA,
TriBBS, GAP, PCBOARD, GT, Wildcat, Spitfire,
and others. Creates Fancy ANSI- ASCII news
bulletins that looks like Bar or plain
printer paper, user definable colors. Fast
and easy to use and setup. uses your favorite
text editor. also allows you to optionally
add a header to your news files, and many
more features!
NOCRASH.ZIP Yes 884 10/3/1994
NOCRASH - BBS utility. Reboots the computer
when the BBS hangs. Tiny TSR does cold boot
if there is no disk activity in n minutes.
n=1 to 999. Freeware.
OCDFAM1.ZIP Yes 19812 7/31/1993
OCDFAM for OPUS v1.01; Can be used to create
the directories on your hard disk to contain
the FILES.BBS files which OFARE will use to
add the CD-ROM files to your Opus files
OFU105.ZIP Yes 51808 10/28/1994
Opus Filename Updater for the Opus CBCS v1.7+
Files Database by Kevin Silcox
ONELIN1B.ZIP Yes 53979 9/23/1993 Add a random ONE LINER to your BBS at log-on
ONENAME.ZIP Yes 1417 7/30/1994 Detect if on-line user is using one name
PASSIT14.ZIP Yes 112866 12/18/1993
Users pass a sentence around the BBS! How
will it come out?
PASSWORD.ZIP Yes 86232 2/13/1994
>>>>>>>>>> PASSWORD CREATOR v2.0 <<<<<<<<<<<
Generates random user passwords every SysOp
definable number of days. Fully functional,
supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing
for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT
14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is
DESQview aware. For this and other great door
programs call The Pegasus BBS at
(502)684-9896 USR DS.
PBDIR.ZIP Yes 7536 10/31/1993
PBDIR 1.00: Creates displays for "FILE AREAS
AVAILABLE" showing file areas with # files
and # bytes in each area (plus a total at the
end of the list). For bbs use.
PBHOT.ZIP Yes 7106 9/3/1993
HOT 1.00: Creates a list of the most Popular
downloads for your Powerboard BBS.
PBNEWBUL.ZIP Yes 33512 9/15/1993
NEWFILES 1.0 : Generates a bulletin listing
files that have been uploaded in the last
"nnn" days. Powerboard 1.25a
PBNEWS20.ZIP Yes 24530 8/21/1994
PBNEWS Version 2.0 : - FAST ! - Great Look !
:: - Include your own: : ANSI Screens ! -
Filters the ANSI for the ASCII file ! :: : -
Can skip the ANSI for the ASCII file ! :: -
No Size Limit !: (c) 1994 by Steven Debruyn
Magic Software Ltd.
PBTOP.ZIP Yes 5405 11/3/1993
Top Downloader bulletin creator for
Powerboard BBS.
PCF_4_0.ZIP Yes 35944 3/27/1995
[ PCF 40 ] The ultimate filer for
PCBOARD,PROBOARD PcExpress, RemoteAccess,
SuperBBS and many others. Includes FILE_IDs
in the filelist as well as GIF,PCX and BMP
resolution. Can add uncompressed archive
sizes of ZIP,ARJ and LZH. Easy to use in
BATCH mode. Also supplies date checking. <=A
PFED_088.ZIP Yes 509657 3/8/1995
MANAGER Coded by Gene Layton - 03/03/95
Supports: PCBoard / TriBBS / Express Move,
edit, delete, & sort files easily, full desc
editing, Import FILES.BBS, DOS and Archive
viewers+shells, NUKE Files, BOOMLAB Local and
PCB Standalone upload processing, Full Dupe
Checker & Remover, view logs, command line
PIKV2_1.ZIP Yes 41688 12/17/1994
Pick-One v2.01 Random screen selection
utility. Simple, easy to install and run.
bulletin screens. Now automatically supports
ASC and AVT. Maintenance release bug fix.
FREEWARE by: JL Enterprizing Software
PORTHV10.ZIP Yes 39550 2/22/1994
W A T C H A (MUST HAVE) for any SysOp of of a
BBS/HOST. PortWatch is a small TSR that helps
make sure your BBS stays up and running. This
UNCRIPPLED version will let you sleep at
night (TRY-B4U-BUY) Cheap Registration. M A D
PROTPA20.ZIP Yes 20378 9/2/1993
ProTPA V1.20 - A ProDoor Utility Version
1.0�20 09/03/93 USERS.SYS support for ProDoor
BBS Systems. Will create USERS.SYS files for
both TPA and NON-TPA doors. Will also read
USERS.SYS data and update ALL system files
including EXTUSER, USERS, USERS.INF. Works
with ALL versions of ProDoor and ProLogon.
PCB14.5 Compatible, You do NOT need PCB
anymore to create USERS.SYS! �18 Possibly
corrects the "zapped password" bug. (by shs)
PSBMGR10.ZIP Yes 149141 10/31/1993 PSBManager v1.0 File Area Manager
PWRLST47.ZIP Yes 212167 10/14/1993
Power List v4.7; A utility allowing a user to
create his own personal files list based on
interests. Why download complete file list?
Choose directories that are of interest. You
can also scan for files by date or scan for
text. Supports non-standard comports. Now
allows adding dirs by range. Now reads the
DIR.LST file automatically. Fixed a problem
with non-PCB systems and the GoodBye command.
QC_200B.ZIP Yes 25962 9/3/1994
QuickCall 2.00 public beta release. The
ultimate Today's Callers generator for RA,
EzyCom and ProBoard. Report all bugs to Grant
Beattie at 3:637/106 (Fidonet).
QP3.ZIP Yes 42686 10/15/1994
Quick Page v3.0 (C) Copyright 1994. A Tronix
Developer's production by CJ aka Charles
Sperber ... Quick Page v3.0 is a simple
to-the-point Sysop pager. I'm freeware,
download me!
QRII05.ZIP Yes 126280 10/12/1994
QUIK-ROM II Pre-Release VBBS CD-ROM Uploader
This is the Latest Release in the QUIK-ROM
Series. This version shows increased speed as
well as ADDS the INFO gathered during the CD
scan to your VBBS Data Base configuration.
ver .05 by Mark Owiesny
QTIME18.ZIP Yes 11158 11/26/1993
Qtime V1.8 by Joseph Sheppard. A Free program
that creates ASCII, ANSI and @x Color code
files saying what time and date a specified
event last occurred.
RASV14.ZIP Yes 30272 11/20/1994
RAS V1.4 If you operate a conventional BBS,
you need RAS! If you have a need to remotely
access your PC, you can use RAS for that too.
First, Remote Access System provides a simple
way to inform your users when your BBS is
temporarily off line. Second, RAS provides a
password protected doorway to DOS so you can
access your operating system remotely. RAS is
fast and easy to set up and get going.
RATS220.ZIP Yes 297448 8/8/1994
RATS v2.20 TimeBank System for
RA/QBBS/SuperBBS/ProBoard supports storing
Time and KBytes for use another day. Also
supports Borrowing Time and KByes, and Daily
and Monthly Lotteries. This is the most
comprehensive Time Bank on the market today,
and is a proven winner over the past 5 years!
RDS_V301.ZIP Yes 171461 8/13/1994
RDS Remote DOS Shell V 3.01 Major Release
DISP software: RDS Remote DOS Shell
Version/Date : V 3.01 / August 15th, 1994
RDS is a online 'shell' that can emulate most
of the DOS functions online (for every user).
Also some enhancements over DOS are included.
All resources and options can be protected
for each and every user !
RFW_V131.ZIP Yes 172490 8/14/1994
RFW Remote FileList (Windowed) V 1.31 Min.
DISP software: Remote Filelist Window(ed)
Version/Date : V 1.31 / August 15th, 1994
RFW is a program to view the file-listings on
a BBS and a direct replacement for the
internal file-list viewers. Tagging in the
DISP/FileDoor compatible format is present as
well as a direct interface to DISP MTS
RHIST100.ZIP Yes 70199 11/4/1993
RoboBOARD/FX History ver. 1.00 RoboBOARD/FX
only! Creates a file of your last 3 days of
BBS usage. Displayes this graphically,
including a display of time used by the top
22 People. Programmer: William Rountree
Release Date 11\04\93
ROMPR137.ZIP Yes 52164 1/22/1994
ROMProc v1.37 - CD-ROM Download Processor
Perfect for any BBS system running CD-ROM
drives or LANs! Performs complete download
process of copying files to a specified area,
commenting them, transferring with the
appropriate protocol, cleaning up and
returning to the BBS. Detects archive format,
including SFX and SDN archives. Generates
online process status. Supports drive
locking. Shareware, not crippled!
ROTATE.ZIP Yes 57876 9/6/1993
RotateIt v1.5; BBS Automated Screen Rotation
program. Up to 5 different screens.
ROTATE12.ZIP Yes 35800 8/22/1993
BBS screen file rotation utility Generic
enough to run with just about any BBS.
RPTGRP.ZIP Yes 12942 6/8/1994 Updated Report template from user
RQUOTE14.ZIP Yes 39081 10/23/1994
Newest quotes generator for BBS's or PC's;
faster, easy to use; create or use most any
file of quotations; single/multiline quotes,
no "Unregistered" or ad for product;
RSG_200.ZIP Yes 130843 11/14/1993
RSG v2.00 - RoyalSoft's Statics Generator.
Very Advanced Statistics Generator for
RAccess, SuperBBS, FrontDoor, InterMail and
D'Bridge. It creates BBS system statistics
and lastcaller statistics. Many features,
like various config files, color define,
random reports, HMB and JAM, up to 100
languages, cheap to register and MUCH more!
RUMOR20.ZIP Yes 13625 3/12/1994
RUMOR v2.0 - Allows users to add to your
quote/rumor file
RYNEWF12.ZIP Yes 18970 10/4/1993
RyNEWF v1.0; RyNEWF is a new file lister. It
is mainly meant to be used in first.bat for
users to scan for new files at log-on instead
of having to go to the file menu to scan for
them. RyNEWF using download.bbs to tell it
were the file directories are.
S-NWS411.ZIP Yes 182131 2/3/1995
Super News v4.11 This is the BEST news maker
for: - RemoteAccess - PCBoard - WildCat - And
all BBS program that uses ANS/ASC or @-Codes
Super News makes 5 news styles! New features:
- Comma bug fixed! - And other bugs fixed! -
Created by Daniel Lafraia- SHAREWARE! - TAKE
SATINITA.ZIP Yes 232108 5/26/1994
Satinit v2.4 Satellite Interragator This is
the 3rd. public release of Satinit ,
Satellite Interragator. Designed for both
Stand Alone & BBS use. Satinit provides
infor- mation on Orbits, Launch Sites, and
other usefull Information on objects launched
and cataloged by NORAD. Features sophisicated
reporting and search options. Shareware from
SFUED117.ZIP Yes 79750 11/14/1994
StormFront User Editor for Opus 1.7+ written
by Kevin Silcox
SLEEP_45.ZIP Yes 31658 6/3/1994
Sleep 4.5. Wait for/until time, file, or
scheduled event. Multitasking aware
SLMON14.ZIP Yes 12975 2/8/1994
SL node MONitor for Searchlight BBS The
latest version of SLMON, a Searchlight Node
Monitor. Runs under DESQview and monitors all
active nodes in a nice window using your BBS
defined colors. Now Supports New Alias
Functions. Compiled with latest TPU's. This
program is free, contribution requested.
02-08-94 TJS Version 1.40
SLNAME14.ZIP Yes 59328 9/12/1993
Log-off Autodoor for Searchlight Displays
user's name in colorful ansi letters.
SQ-V300.ZIP Yes 177449 11/12/1994
Squadra v3.0: Superb way to manage your BBS.
Edit/Copy/Move/Delete comments of your files
with great ease. Hook up external programs,
search for files, define your own file
listings, and a lot more ! Fully compatible
with RA 1.xx, RA 2.xx, PB 1.3x, PB 2.xx ! and
other BBS packages
STATS10.ZIP Yes 40479 12/4/1994
STATS v1.0 bETA: Utility to create a BBS door
usage statistics bulletin. Reports used
times, percentage of overall use and displays
a colorful bar. Installation utility
included. Fast & simple to use. Works on any
SVDMANSI.ZIP Yes 2377 9/13/1994
Replaces OS2FIX or MDOS\ANSI for OS/2 VDM
running SBBS
TABLOID.ZIP Yes 31421 9/3/1993
WWIV Tabloid headline generator for User
logons. Generates one of 100 possible random
supermarket tabloid headlines, using the
users name!
TABS_23.ZIP Yes 52581 5/4/1994
SBBSTABS v2.3 - By : Lee Matherne Made for
SBBS for sysops that use True Media's 1-900
TABs service. Fully configurable and can
offer users many options upon entering a TABs
TCB_201.ZIP Yes 49680 2/12/1994
TCB v2.01 [Today's Callers Bulletin Creator]
Truly configurable utility, creates "Today's
Callers" bulletin(s) for your SuperBBS
system. Use one of the supplied sample
configurations, or build your own unique
bulletin style. You can control EXACTLY what
information is displayed, which callers are
included, and by what criteria; you can set
EVERY colour, EVERY character, and more!
Supports multiple logfiles (it sorts them,
TCUTE20U.ZIP Yes 44953 5/22/1994
TRICUTE ver.2.0 A BBS utility. An excellent
quote screen generator. Unreg- istered
version generates ANSI and MONO screens and
is fully configurable.Regis- tered version
makes ANSI, MONO, @XCode screens with
optional top and bottom configurable border,
and four different RIP screens and is
extremely configur- able. Quote file is an
ASCII file and easily modified.Can use
multiple config. files.Registration $8-$10
TESTDT10.ZIP Yes 16384 8/8/1994 TestDate - BBS Upload Date Tester
TIM12.ZIP Yes 38150 1/15/1995
TAG - LASTCALL UTILITY v1.2. Posts the last
BBS caller as the Last Inbound Call on the
"wait" screen. Supports FRONTDOOR/INTERMAIL
and/or any BBS software that produces a
format], or SPITFIRE.DAT file during log on
or log off. Can be run in your LOGONX.RUN or
BAT files for Wildcat BBSs.
TODAYC12.ZIP Yes 34579 10/2/1993
TODAY's CALlers 1.2: Generates bulletin files
showing who called your BBS today. Supports
multiple nodes! for Powerboard 1.25a.
TOP10A.ZIP Yes 39064 11/11/1993 Top 10 Bulletin Maker for Searchlight BBS
TOPDROP.ZIP Yes 5421 11/3/1993
Top Carrier Dropper bulletin creator for
Powerboard BBS.
TPSNEW99.ZIP Yes 63397 9/27/1994
Add-on for The Polling Station; notifies
users of changes
TR2BULLV.ZIP Yes 19969 9/25/1994
TriBull.Zip Contains Three seperate Bulletin
Generators.. TopDoor..Door usage.
CDList..EZrom D\L. DownLoads..HD D\Ls. All
Three are written for TriBBs and use Tribbs
Color Codes.. For TriBBS 5.x and
above..Regisrtation $10 for all three. This
version includes a fix for CDList..
TXT2DIR.ZIP Yes 8781 1/13/1995
TXT2DIR converts text listings of files which
have filenames and descriptions on each line,
but no file dates or sizes. An example of
this format can be seen on the Phoenix 5 CD
in the various *.LST files. By supplying this
program with the name of the *.LST file to be
converted, the DIR file to create, the path
to locate the actual files in the listing,
and the column for the description, it will
convert the *.LST file to a DIR file.
TXTLOG11.ZIP Yes 13937 1/27/1995
write a msg to a text file. Useful for SysOps
to write notes to the ACTIVITY.LOG when
certain doors or BBS events are run. Another
FREEWARE utility from PAROLE Software and
Dennis Maidon.
TYCB151.ZIP Yes 48943 10/10/1993
Today/Yesterday Callers Bulletin Version 1.51
from HOTware. This is a little utility that
will create a bulletin listing all the users
that have called you BBS Today And Yesterday
with both ANSI and ASCII Bulletins. Colors
are completely configurable, and access
levels to include are fully configurable.
TYCB is a complete design your own bulletin
system. Ver 1.51 Corrects a problem that was
created in version 1.5. Version 1.5 was
ULPSMBIG.ZIP Yes 67574 2/5/1994
ULPSM 1.06a - This is functionally equivalent
to the distribution version of ULPSM
contained in ULP106.ZIP, but supports 297 (!)
upload directory areas instead of 24 as in
the UpLoadProcessor release version.
ULTI20.ZIP Yes 53441 6/12/1994
* * UltiList 2.0 - The Ultimate BBS List * *
Awesome graphics, many features! Post a new
BBS into some message bases! Extensive
searching capablities, brief and in-depth
lists of bulletin board systems. Usable with
any BBS supporting DOOR.SYS, such as PCBoard,
RemoteAccess, Wildcat, TriBBS, Spitfire,
Renegade, Telegard, etc. Multitasker aware.
Download UltiList Today!
UNCONX74.ZIP Yes 15304 9/12/1993
Opus Files Database UNCONverter makes
old-style FILES.BBS for Opus 1.73a.
UPDISP1.ZIP Yes 112626 8/31/1994
-======= UPLOAD DISPLAYER 2.0 ====- Shoots
screens to COM port to your user from the
Uplaod Scan file. Includes ANSI and ASCII
versions auto-selected. Lets you do the
testing while giving a status to the user/
Supports PCB 12.x+,RBBS/QBBS ,GAP,Wildcat 2.0
& up,& DOOR.SYS <> TTW
UPLOAD20.ZIP Yes 91418 9/18/1994
The Upload Partner Version 2.0 Stop
frustrating your callers!!!! Let them enter
those pesky file descriptions BEFORE they
upload a bunch of files. Better yet, ASK them
if the file contains a .DIZ! Your callers
will love you for it! Another fine CHEAP
Shareware program $5.00, Written by Mark
Williamson (Free to registered Labtest Users!)
UV205.ZIP Yes 38180 11/6/1993
User View v2.05. Let's you work with your
WWIV User Database easily.
VABABETA.ZIP Yes 1432 6/9/1994
VAREA610.ZIP Yes 82423 10/11/1993 VBBS Area Subscriber 6.10.09
VBFILE11.ZIP Yes 45399 9/29/1994
VBFile v1.1 VBFile exports the VBBS File
database to a format similar to the files.bbs
format automatically and easily.
VFBBS60.ZIP Yes 13687 12/23/1993
V-FBBS 6.0 Converts Files.BBS to VBBS 6.0+
database format. Registration Required for
VIEWDBF.ZIP Yes 127496 8/6/1994
Frontier Enterprises VIEWDBF View/Edit/Pack
*ANY* database file: Free program that's
great for quick changes to databases.
Determines file structure and features an
easy to use interface.
VPAGE_B2.ZIP Yes 41993 10/31/1993
VocPage plays different sounds when you're
being paged.
VTC203SW.ZIP Yes 191146 2/10/1994
If you are running a multi-node BBS then you
need a way to generate income! - Dynamic
"Room" creation from the command line - Easy
Installation! - Room security - User's "own"
and configure their own room - RIP supported!
- Detailed logging - A TrueChat mode for
remote users - Configurable ACTION commands -
Intelligent ACTION commands (VTC knows when
to personalize) - Configurable internal
commands - Script support - Interprocess
VUUCP221.ZIP Yes 116387 11/7/1993 VUUCP/2- VUUCP Replacement for VBBS 6.10+
WASUP102.ZIP Yes 63773 1/29/1995
The What's Up status system; Fairly portable
status program for sysops.
WBSLST31.ZIP Yes 5043 9/8/1993
WBB BBS List v3.1: Nice Graphic
Menus/interface! 100% better than before!
Download BBSlist Feature Supports PkZip,
Squeeze, or ASCII. Has places for Hard Drive
size, Modem, System, BBS Software, etc..
Online Services Available from your BBS.
Membership type (Free/Pay) Added more BBS's
to the BBS Software selection menu. Added
Modem Selection Menu System. Nicer looking
output when using the read feature!
WCHT244C.ZIP Yes 35780 11/16/1993
WWIV Chat V2.44c External Multi-Instance Chat
Module for for WWIV BBS V 4.23 or higher
Includes: CB Chat, and Real Time 4-Way Chat
WHOC.ZIP Yes 7518 10/31/1993 Who Called Today? Door for Powerboard BBS.
WIZ13D.ZIP Yes 384236 10/5/1994
File Wizard V1.3d FULL RELEASE - Areamanager
for BBS-SysOp's- * Supports SuperBBS,
QuickBBS, RA 1.11, RA 2.0x, LoraBBS, WME,
ProBoard, Maximus, FLSEARCH.CTL * Lot's of
functions, like areaSort, filelists,
announcings, common editor to edit fileareas,
moving, copying, supports multi- line
descriptions, subareas, 16 groups for
fileareas, archive-conversion, and many many
more !!! Shareware with free upgrades
WWVCHTB1.ZIP Yes 14168 10/14/1994
The WWIV Teleconference �eta-1 (C) Copyright
1994. A Tronix Developers production by CJ
aka Charles Sperber ... The WWIV
Teleconference �eta-1 is a multi-line
compatible teleconference capable of
supporting 999 concurrent instances of WWIV.
Download me, I'll enhance your system!
WWVREGB1.ZIP Yes 27061 9/3/1994
The WWIV Registry - �eta-1 release (C)
Copyright 1994. A Tronix Developer's
production by CJ aka Charles Sperber ... The
WWIV Registry is a unique database capable of
storing information on users of your system.
It's a great way for users to get to know one
another. Colorful & state of the art
programming make this registry worth your
time to download.
XTRAQTE.ZIP Yes 199327 9/7/1993
Approximately 4800+ quotes for Quote O' The
Day. Download #QOTD702.ZIP for the program.
YC204.ZIP Yes 24421 8/24/1994
YESTCALL.EXE : Yesterday/Last 24 Hours Caller
List Generator v 2.04: Creates ANSI/ASCII
Caller Lists for the PREVIOUS DAY or the LAST
24 HOURS! The ANSI/ASCII files display name
or handle, node number, logon, logoff, times
called, and Location.. just like the internal
YCALL11B.ZIP Yes 12668 8/9/1994
- V1.1� Generates .ANS/ASC/AVT screen with
YESTERDAY callers. Works great with nice ANSi
screens! FREEWARE! Grab it now \\ For RA
2.xx// - Raposa Productions \/
ZC0108D.ZIP Yes 252275 1/5/1995
ZChat Advanced Teleconference System v01.08
The ULTIMATE chat system! Impressive windowed
interface. Billing support. 300 users can
chat at one time! Highly optimized for
OS/2,DV,Win. Direct & FOSSIL support, full
screen cfg. prog. Supports system guides and
chat leaders, with appropriate commands.
Supports 19 public and private rooms with
optional room leaders. Supports 255 chatter
channels, whispers, secret actions, generic
ZNR092X.ZIP Yes 169475 1/25/1994
ZipNews local/remote newsreader;PCBoard BBSs+
Wildcat!, Waffle, and others. BETA v0.92x. A
threaded Usenet news-reader & companion to
the ZipNews Door (DOS) & uqwk v1.7 (on Unix
hosts). Select newsgroups/maintain pointers
via upload to the door. Also a LOCAL reader &
mailer for sysops using the ZipNews door.
Registered version is a mailer for uploading
Internet E-mail and your own news postings to
the ZipNews Door or uqwk. Reg. Cost: $19.95.
ZREP1228.ZIP Yes 42855 12/28/1993
ZReport v1.00: Utility to create reports with
information about user subscriptions and
expiration dates.
ZV0830.ZIP Yes 197823 8/30/1993
ZVerify v1.00: The ultimate in caller
verification for your system. Providing
CallBack Verify, PostCard Verify, Voice
Verify Methods for caller verification.
Highly configurable for maximum usefulness.