============================================================================== "GRUNT!" THE ULTIMATE ONLINE ROLE-PLAYING ADVENTURE DOOR RELEASED SHAREWARE Written, Designed & Programmed by Michael S. Hoenie Entire work copyrighted (c)1995 by TANGERINE CONSULTING, LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTICE: This file contains all upgrades to GRUNT! that have occured during the latest version. They are listed from the last release to the most recent release. ============================================================================== NOTICE: GRUNT IS IN ALPHA TESTING MODE. THIS MEANS THAT GRUNT IS NOT A FINISHED GAME. IF YOU USE THIS CODE, YOU ARE USING IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. THE AUTHOR MAKES NO SPECIAL CONSESSIONS FOR THIS CODE. UNTIL ALPHA TESTING BUGFIXES NOTICE IS REMOVED, AND THE VERSION CHANGES FROM 0.??? TO 1.0, GRUNT IS STILL CONSIDERED AN UNFISHED PRODUCT. Alpha Testing BugFixes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ v0.016 fixes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o. Battle routines fully re-written. Many users were complaining about the statistics and so forth in here, and I KNEW it had to be re-written. It still needs one more section added, and that is the multi-player NET routines to be completed. This will come before version 1.0 (Beta) of the code is completed. o. Inventory routines updated to add 26 items. o. Bar routines updated to speed up the networking. o. Update in Alpha Code. o. Sorry guys, but I needed to make modifications to the users record structure. The new structure adds 16 more things that players can carry around with them. It also adds more internal dimension to users structure and makes the player more powerful in the overall game. Sorry, but the old user structure is NOW removed and your users will have to start over. This is only the 1st in 16 version releases, and should be the last unless some drastic measure needs to be taken. o. Added spell casting to the game. Lots of users wanted this, and I thought I'd better get it done before other things were completed. There is a great deal of work to do on it, and that's why this version took longer to get out. The spells are not 100% completed yet, but within the next couple of versions, they will be. o. We are getting closer to completing the game! Just wanted to thank all of the Sysops who are pouring information into me, getting the code completed at an alarming rate! Thanks! v0.015 fixes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o. Update in Alpha Code. o. Miscellaneous corrections, bug fixes, spelling errors, and mods to the general information files. o. The guys over at Share City BBS (John St. Clair, Sysop) have been hammering out on GRUNT! They found a bug in the SORT routines, causing the sorter to crash if more than 50 users were in the GRUNT database, (it was set to only sort 20, but was sorting beyond it's capacity) thus causing the program to crash and return to DOS. Fixed! o. Increased the maximum number of nodes from (alpha) 5 to 50. This will cause a little slowdown on the network, but will remove error #209. o. Nightly Maintenance routines now clean out the network file. This insures that nobody gets left in the network file on accident for more than 24hrs. Usually this only happens if there is a crash. o. My beta testors (local ones) already found a bug in the CHATBAR functions. This toggle has been temporarily fixed. It causes an error_drop in the erase_file routines during multi-node chat. This is caused by a sharing violation upon trying to erase the file. o. Due to inconsistancies in file handling in Borland Turbo Pascal 6.0, and textfile routines under networking, I have re-written the Networking Routines in GRUNT! again to handle pure file locking routines intead of relying on BP 6.0. This should make less problems under chatting in the Inn, and messages back and forth between nodes. v0.014 fixes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o. Update in Alpha Code. o. Added parameter to allow users to exit GRUNT when they want before having to actually get into the menu. o. Fixed the readfile command. It was not re-setting the number of lines read, thus the scroll-back buffer was being filled even after a screen was cleared. o. Fixed the maintenance pack routines. I decided to keep the user indexes in instead of removing them. o. Added a new D&D guru to the team. Bruce Callen has years of experience with ratio sets and more. So you should find as time goes along and new versions come out a better ratio in the monsters, weapons, armors, attack ratios, and battle modes. o. The CHATBAR is complete! Uses can have FULL scale realistic chats in the Labuston Inn! You have to check this one out to believe it! v0.013 fixes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o. Sorry guys, three of my top beta testors found a networking error in the writenode routines. This caused another player to be booted out of grunt during the logon process. Very sorry! While version 0.13 does not fix this problem, it solves it temporarily. The problem will be solved in later versions. Thanks! v0.012 fixes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o. Update in Alpha Code. v0.011 fixes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o. Update in Alpha Code. o. Found a bug in the training routines. If a player went into training, and then ran away, the player would automatically gain the next level. This has been fixed! o. Re-wrote some of the attacking routines and made the whole attack system better with more displays. Shouldn't confuse the users too much. Eventually I will fully re-write all four sections of fighting areas. v0.010 fixes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o. Removed the GRUNTSRT.EXE program. It was a small 4k program that sorted the players file and displayed the list. Some systems were unable to run the program, thus causing GRUNT to crash. I have moved the routines internal and increased the stack size of the code. Hopefully this measure will not affect any systems (causing a crash in the program only). v0.009 fixes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o None. Update in alpha code. v0.008 fixes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o Added parameter "UN-USE" for taking armor, pants, shirts, caps, cloaks, gloves, weapons and rings off. v0.007 fixes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o None. Update in alpha code. v0.006 fixes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o None. Update in alpha code. v0.005 fixes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o None to report. This is the first ALPHA release. ==============================================================================