The following is a list of changes/upgrades to Nuclear War v7.60 & v7.70 Installation Program 1) Allows editing of existing node configuration files. 2) Added the /I[node#] switch that will run the install program and load in the config file for the node# specified. 3) Allows you to add nodes by entering Starting Node# and Ending Node#. 4) Will not exit the install program until you press 'Q'. Loops back to the beginning. Main Program 1) Added Maintenance Prompt for Sysop prior to entering the game. This allows the sysop to use the built in maintenance features without having to actually play the game. 2) Supports the new Key File format for Courtesy Keys avialable when you register on-line with DISOFT. 3) Added "Continue Prompt" when displaying the Winners File so they do not scroll when you have more than one screen full of winners. 4) Fixed 'Bug' in Help File Access when ASCII caller tried to access the help file. Miscellaneous 1) Corrected a few obvious spelling errors in code and docs. v7.80 Installation Program 1) Added support for BBS Software that does not create a standard 52 line DOOR.SYS file, but creates the DORINFO(x).DEF drop file. Our Doors will now convert the DORINFO1.DEF, DORINFO2.DEF, etc.. into the DOOR.SYS format as DOOR01.SYS, DOOR02.SYS, etc.. and process them as normal. 2) Added the option to have the installation program print out the Registration form (REGISTER.TXT) on LPT1 or LPT2 printer ports. 3) Added additional Help/Info screens for certain areas for more detailed information. Main Program 1) Will now process the DOOR01.SYS, DOOR02.SYS, etc.. that is created during the conversion of the DORINFO1.DEF, DORINFO2.DEF, etc.. 2) Split up the one big help file into sub-files. Now when you select help you will only get the information pertaining to the particular phase of the game that you are in. 3) Most places where you hit `0' when done will now accept `Q' as well even though it is not listed. Users that are in the habit of hitting `Q' will be able to proceed without delay. 4) Fixed a small bug that allowed you to assemble more than 1 Viper Warhead. Your Warhead variable was always cleared after you used it so when you were allowed to assemble more than one you would lose them all as you can only launch 1 each turn. 5) Added the *TEST DRIVE command line option that allows the Sysop to play the game from DOS with NUKE *TEST DRIVE command and play the game from start to finish without Turn Limitation, etc.. When in the TEST DRIVE mode all Sysop and Maintenance Functions are enabled as well. 6) Added the /V Switch that will display the current version# of the game. Usage: NUKE /V 7) Made some cosmetic and color changes 8) Tightened up code which resulted in smaller program modules