hi, this is a description on how to rake money by building planets and splitting them into ports that sell none but buy all: By the author of: UUSTART1 Andrue Carr (the definative player of Ultimate Universe) ------------------------- i am assuming since this is private mail you are asking for my Cash farming strategy for Ultimate Universe... well here goes: and i am assuming you know the basics of trading and planet production. if not i can go into more detail if you like. 1. the theory behind cash farming is raising production levels on planets and selling the production off for cash at a different port. 2. things needed: 1 sector with a port that is: selling ALL 1 or more sectors with a port that is: selling NONE 2 genesis devices, eventually use more later 1 adelphia planet splitter (device #214 from port 8) 2 planet production enhancers (device #400 from port 8) (if you like you can planet paan a production enhancer with a drone or mine enhancer also) 1 sensor report silencer( device 178 in port 6) 1 trading pack (device 172 in port 6) 1 speed pack (device 177 in port 6) a couple gosubs or gotos are also handy device #276 or #275 from port 8 3. to get started find a port that sells All, and has a high level of product in all the different areas: ore, organics, equip, power, and water. high levels are anything in the 20,000,000 or 30,000,000. basically you want them all to be as high as you can find. then you create a planet there. work towards getting 60,000 cargo holds to transfer stuff in large chunks. you buy them from sol in sector 1. when you have that set up you start macros to transfer all your cash into production on the planet. transfer your planetary production device to your planet via the W command. that will increase your production level. the macro that you need to know is this one: P;L;I;1;;Q\ that will port, land, transfer all the cargo into the planet and quit again... all you do is press the control-n to keep the macro going (the \ denotes an instant macro to Ultimate Universe) the 1 in the above macro cooresponds to the item you are transfering. in this case it would be: Ore when the port runs out of Ore then your trading pack will switch to Organics so your macro would then become: P;L;I;2;;Q\ and so on using 3,4, and 5 when the others run out on the port. 3. after you have sucked the port dry (massive quantities of cash needed, its helpfull to spend some of your day reporting cabal to the C.E.C.C. port via a device # 176 with this command: V;176;4;1;(SECTOR CABAL ARE IN) and then killing them, for daily cash increase.. when the port is empty then you find a sector with a port that is selling None. that means its buying everything... look for good trading rates and amounts same range of amounts in the 20,000,000 range or so and the prices your concerned with are water above 26.00 and power above 21.00 levels, if they are a bit below that its ok, your still clearing a lot of cash on them. return to your home base planet sector and use your splitter device 4. use your splitter device like this: V;214 then just enter the sector the other planet is in and your planet will merge into it... you should wind up with about 1/2 the size of your original planet in each sector. you can then go to the new sector and sell all you want for direct liquid assets higher than what you paid for them... and still high production levels that will bring your planets (now two of them) up and ready for splitting again repeat this process... it costs you a lot to get going but in the long run you will reap far more cash and products from your planet then you would be able to trade for in the first place... I hope you understand all this... its somewhat complex and perhaps i have left out some steps you dont know yet, like moving around easily with gosubs and other devices im not aware i stock that help this... if you want more info about any particular step let me know i will elaborate more. You may contact me via these means: Andrue Carr Box 473 West Tisbury, Ma 02575 (if you want to send some donations for my bbs) Network addresses: Fido: 1:331/201 sl_net: 250:502/1294 ISGnet: 91:5/201 Acmenet: 400:508/201 BBS number: Over Board BBS (508)693-5344 14,400bps 8,n,1 24hrs I monitor these conferences: ISGnet: I_UU or ULTIMATE depending on the naming structure. Fido: TRADEWARS RIME: COMMON, TRADEWARS, SYSOP ACMENET: ACMECHAT SL_NET: SL_CHAT, 30PLUS, SL_SYSOP look for my other helpful Ultimate Universe files: UUSTART1.ARJ (beginning start/day stance to get a good start) UUSTART2.ARJ (This one) UUSHOOT1.ARJ (helpful installation trouble shooting) I am willing to discuss any strategy as long as i am assured it wont get back to Garth Bigelow, he and i are competative players and i dont want him to find out what i can do. Drop me a line with any questions or comments and i will try to help you out somehow. Thanx Andrue Carr --- þ OLX 2.1 TD þ Hello, I am part number ³ºÞº³º³Û³ºÝ³ºÝ³³