The following files are included within this FeatherNet v1.02 update packet to convert FeatherNet BBS v1.01 to v1.02. The list below reflects the default locations that these files should be placed in. To update, you need to perform 2 processes: 1) Your new FNET.EXE file has come to you named FNETT.EXE, FNETM.EXE or FNETS.EXE. This will have to be renamed to FNET.EXE. We have included a file within this update packet called FNP-NAME.COM. FNP-NAME.COM may be used to rename your main executable automatic- ally. After Unarchiving this packet, change to the directory where your new files exist and type the following: FNP-NAME.COM 2) Once the renaming of your new main executable has been completed, you will need place the files listed below in the directories shown. NOTE: Don't forget, the attributes for all .BAT & .EXE files will have been set to READ-ONLY in your BBS Home directory (\FNET). You will need to reset the file attributes, making them READ/WRITE, replace the files below, then reset the attributes to READ-ONLY! This is only necessary for the files that are to be located within the BBS Home Directory (\FNET). FNET.EXE - Place in the BBS Home Directory (\FNET) FNCHK.EXE - Place in the BBS Home Directory (\FNET) FN-NET.EXE - Place in the BBS Home Directory (\FNET) FNECHO.EXE - Place in the BBS Home Directory (\FNET) FNCFG.EXE - Place in the BBS Home Directory (\FNET) FNETSM.EXE - Place in the BBS Home Directory (\FNET) FNFILER.EXE - Place in the BBS Home Directory (\FNET) MKFNTEXT.EXE - Place in the FNSYS Directory (\FNET\FNSYS) FRESHEN.BAT - Place in the BBS Home Directory (\FNET) SFN.BAT - Place in the BBS Home Directory (\FNET) FNP102.DOC - Place in the BBS Docs Directory (\FNET\DOCS) NOTES: You may need to modify the FRESHEN.BAT file to appropriately match your BBS configuration. See the New FNP102.DOC file for more details. You may not want to replace your SFN.BAT file do custom configuration. If this is the case, you MUST remove any line within your existing SFN.BAT file referencing EVENT.BAT. Two examples of what was in the origional SFN.BAT file is as follows: IF EXIST EVENT.BAT EVENT.BAT IF EXIST EVENT.BAT DEL EVENT.BAT