HOW TO USE TCL HELP KEYS & THEIR EFFECTS Press at any time to get current help screen Pressed once, moves cursor to bottom left of help screen. If pressed again and the text for the displayed topic extends past the end of the help window the next help screen will be displayed. Pressed once, moves cursor to top left of help screen. If pressed again and the text for the displayed topic extends past the top of the help window the previous help screen will be displayed. Same as . Same as . Moves cursor 1 character to the left. If this results in the cursor being on top of a cross reference, the cross reference will be highlighted. Same as but cursor moves 1 right. Same as but cursor moves up 1 row. Same as but cursor moves down 1 row. If the cursor is on a cross reference the help screen for the cross referenced topic will be displayed. Closes the help window and returns. Moves the cursor to the next cross reference and highlights it. If cursor is currently on the last cross reference it is moved to the first cross reference. Moves the cursor to previous cross reference and highlights it. If cursor is currently on the first cross reference it is moved to the last cross reference. Displays previously displayed help topic. Displays index of help topics, each of which can be selected and displayed. USE OF MOUSE Mouse action Effect Click on PgUp button Same as key Click on PgDn button Same as key Click on Prev button Same as key Click on Index button Same as Click on Quit button Same as key Click on Cross Ref Same as key Right button click Same as key If the topic is longer than a single help screen the mouse can use the scroll bar as Up and Down Arrows.