Current versions (03-27-94) of James Huckabey door programs. The doors are Door Patch 3.8 doors and now support the following BBS drop files: DOOR.SYS, PCBOARD.SYS, SFDOORS.DAT, CALLINFO.BBS, DORINFO1.DEF, DORINFO2.DEF and CHAIN.TXT. Converter needed for other BBS software. Send me a diskette covering one meg, with return postage, and I will return it with all my doors on it/them. Send two megs and get all my BBS software as well as PC software. Doors: BK14-400 ZIP Book Review door BR14-400 ZIP BBS Review door CS14-500 ZIP Community Service door DR14-300 ZIP BBS Door Review door GO14-400 ZIP Gotcha door GTPL-510 ZIP GT Power List door v5.10 for GT Power BBS network MR14-300 ZIP Music Review door MV14-300 ZIP Movie View door PCOVE504 ZIP Pirate's Cove door RR14-400 ZIP Restaurant Review door SW14-600 ZIP Software Review door TRLD-110 ZIP The Rime List Door v11.0 for RelayNet (R) WR14-300 ZIP Wine Review door James Huckabey 3621-A Fraser Street Bellingham, Washington 98226-2473 U.S.A. (206) 671-2868 (voice, Pacific) All these doors are posted on Channel 1 (617) 354-3137, Treasures-BBS (407) 831-9130 and Moonbase Alpha BBS (a GT Power BBS) (919) 471-4547.