The NASA Lewis ARC will operate AK8Y, 1400Z - 2000Z, September 10-12, 1994 to commemorate the 1st year anniversary of the successful launch and deployment from STS-51 Space Shuttle Discovery, and one year of successful satellite communication operation of the NASA Lewis Research Center sponsored Advanced Communication Technology Satellite (ACTS). Operation will be 10 kHz up from the bottom of the General 40, 20 and 15 meter subbands and the Novice 10 meter subband. For QSL, send QSL and 9" x 12" SASE (self addressed stamped envelope) with 52 cents postage or 2 IRC's to : NASA Lewis Research Center Amateur Radio Club 21000 Brookpark Road MS 54-6 Cleveland, OH, 44135 Attn: Don Hilderman, KW9Y. If you would like to set up a schedule for a contact or need additional information, please contact me, Nancy, KC4IYD at: or call at 216-433-5643 Nancy Rabel Hall Space Experiments Division --... ...-- -.. . KC4IYD NASA - Lewis Research Center stamp collector, SF addict