[ ANARTS - Australian National Amateur Radio Teletype Society ] ANARTS NEWS BULLETIN 844 5/Feb/1995 Sunday Transmission Schedules. 3.545 MHz (Plus/minus 5) 0930 UTC VK2BQS (Jim) 7.045 MHz -3 0030 UTC VK2CTD (Col) 14.070 MHz (amtor/fec) 0030 UTC VK2DPM (Alan) 14.091 MHz 0030 UTC VK2BQS (JIM) 146.675 MHz 0030/0930 UTC VK2JPA (PAT) 144.850 MHz (ax25 bbs) VK2JPA AT VK2AAB 146.675 MHz (rtty mmbbs/repeater) VK2RTY Views expressed in this news bulletin are not necessarily those of the Broadcast Officer, the Relay Officers, or of the Society. OPERATOR(S) WANTED..... This is a personal appeal.......... =================== VK2BQS most probably will be closing down at the end of May 1995 due to a change of QTH... The station may resume transmissions by the end of August but with a very limited antennae system, so after eight years of regular relay transmissions of the ANARTS NEWS ex VK2TTY, my service will cease. It in fact started on 1st March 1987 when I commenced a direct relay from VK2JPA in on 2 metres and out on 20 metres. At times it has been very hard work, especially when equip- ment failures or disastrous weather conditions intervened, but it has been a period of great enjoyment and I have worked well over two hundred Cast viewers in that time, a few were itinerants who were just passing through, a number were casuals who I met years ago and still call in from time to time. A large number were sporadic, they appear regularly for a few weeks and then disappear only to return and again join in the call-backs. And there are the regulars who have turned up almost every week regardless of weather, sunspot cycles and I don't doubt the occasional irate XYL.. All of those who call-in or call-back to the cast do make a contribution to the operation, as the operators can gauge the efficiency or otherwise of their efforts to combat the variations which occur in propagation, antennae and equip- ment; without an idea of the results achieved, we may not even be getting out of our own backyard hi. And most importantly, it has been a friendly operation and I feel that I have many real friends throughout the area in which my signal has been reported, and that friendliness I will miss, so thanks to all of you who have been so very generous in human terms over the years... It may seem early to be writing a farewell message, but the time is flying by, and although there is four months before the switch must be pulled (assuming plans do not gang awry) it is time to call for replacement volunteers. I am sure that there is a viewer, or perhaps two or three, who would be will- ing to take on the task as relay officer. It needn't be a Sydney resident and it is not necessarily imperative that it be a 20 metre operator. The Broadcast Officer will adjust the jobs to fit the toilers, so if you are at all interested, contact Pat, VK2JPA whose phone numbers etc are available elsewhere. The only essential is a reliable means of communication with one of ANARTS officers, currently there are three of us who ensure that each relay station has the cast on disc before X-mit time. Our experience with VK6 where the Newscasts go out at the same time as do those in VK2, is evidence that it can be done. To provide VK6CW with the necessary data on or before time, we have used over the years ARQ, PACKET V ROSE, and Phone Modems, and way back, even direct from air retrans- missions. At the present time we find Phone Modems and the ARQ are the most reliable...Pactor should be even better.... So please, anyone who feels they can help, contact Pat VK2JPA or Col (Pres.) VK2CTD so that early planning can be done. Our coverage is from Tonga to the east, to Penang and Sourabaya to the west and includes New Guinea, Fiji, New Zealand, Noumea, and we even had a call from Benin once..... Within Australia it ranges within an area bounded by Hobart, Gawler, Perth, NW Cape Humpty Doo, Friday Island, Bowen, Gladstone, Brisbane, Sydney and Sale with dozens of places in between---- and you can't get bigger than that......So be in it, with the sunspot cycle about to go on the upturn, it should become very rewarding... 73 to all and hope to hear from you... Jim VK2BQS. ------------------------------------- FIRST ANNUAL ADRS WORLD-WIDE DIGITAL WPX CONTEST PART 3 4TH-5TH FEBRUARY 1995 LOW POWER SECTION: (SINGLE OPERATOR ONLY) OUTPUT MUST NOT EXCEED 150 WATTS. YOU MUST INDICATE LOW POWER ON THE SUMMARY. AWARDS: ------- CERTIFICATES WILL BE AWARDED TO THE HIGHEST SCORING STATION IN EACH CATEGORY LISTED UNDER SECTION IV OF THE RULES. 1. IN EVERY PARTICIPATING COUNTRY. 2. IN EACH CALL AREA OF THE U.S., CANADA, AUSTRALIA AND JAPAN. 3. ALL SCORES WILL BE PUBLISHED. HOWEVER TO BE ELIGIBLE FOE AN AWARD, A SINGLE OPERATOR STATION MUST SHOW A MINIMUM OF 12 HOURS OF OPERATION . MULTI-OPERATOR STATIONS MUST SHOW A MINIMUM OF 18 HOURS. PLAQUES WILL BE AWARDED ONLY TO SERIOUS CONTEST EFFORTS. DECISIONS OF THE CONTEST CHAIR ARE FINAL. A SINGLE LOG IS ELIGIBLE FOR A SINGLE AWARD ONLY. IF A LOG CONTAINS MORE THAN ONE BAND, IT WILL BE JUDGED AS AN ALL BAND ENTRY, UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE. To be continued : LOG INSTRUCTIONS NEXT WEEK -------------------------- IPS WEEKLY REPORT ----------------- 27 JANUARY - 02 FEBRUARY DATE OF ISSUE: 03 FEBRUARY 1995 -------------- INDICES: -------- DATE 27 28 29 30 31 01 02 10CM 88 83 85 86 87 87 86 A 4 3 24 29 23 11 (18 ESTIMATED) T 32 30 27 -34 15 35 29 SOLAR ACTIVITY WAS LOW 30TH JANUARY AND 2ND FEBRUARY, AND VERY LOW FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE PERIOD. THERE WERE TWO M1 CLASS FLARES ON 1ST FEBRUARY. THE GEOMAGNETIC FIELD AT LEARMONTH WAS QUIET 27TH-28TH, MOSTLY ACTIVE TO MINOR STORM LEVELS ON 29TH-30TH, UNSETTLED TO ACTIVE 32ST JANUARY TO 2ND FEBRUARY. IONOSPHERIC F2 CRITICAL FREQUENCIES AT SYDNEY WERE NEAR PRE- DICTED MONTHLY VALUES 27TH-28TH JANUARY, UP TO 20 PER CENT ENHANCED TO 12UT 0N 29TH, 15-30 PER CENT DEPRESSED TO NEAR PREDICTED LEVELS ON 30TH-31ST JANUARY. FREQUENCIES WERE ENHANCED BY UP TO 30 PER CENT LATE ON 1ST FEBRUARY AND DURING LOCAL NIGHT ON 2ND. FORECAST (3 FEBRUARY - 9 FEBRUARY) SOLAR: VERY LOW TO LOW GEOMAGNETIC: QUIET TO UNSETTLED IONOSPHERIC: MUFS SHOULD BE NEAR PREDICTED MONTHLY VALUES. COURTESY OF THE IPS RADIO AND SPACE SERVICES --------------------------------------- VK2SG RTTY DX NOTES FOR WEEK ENDING 27 JAN 1995 (BID RTDX0127) OUR INFORMATION THIS WEEK CAME FROM DJ3IW AND THE CENTRAL EUROPE DX CLUSTER DB0SPC, DL5EBE, DK7UY, I5FLN AND THE IK5PWJ PACKETCLUSTER, JF1MGI, N5UXT, SP4TTK, WB2CJL, W5KSI, ZS5S, AND THE NJ0M NODE OF THE MINNESOTA DX PACKET CLUSTER NETWORK. BANDPASS: FRIDAY 20 0507-21079 3D2X 0526-14080 3D2XC 1319-14085 HA5AEK 1342-14090 GW3HUT 1447-14087 SV8CS 1509-14086 UX0KC 1541-14087 YO6OHB 1600-14083 VI0ANT 1924-14083 PZ1BS 1959-14084 FG5FI 2350-14081 HC6CR SATURDAY 21 0805-14083 ZD7DP O850-14073 JY9VC PACTOR 1323-14083 YO6OBH 1324-14089 GI0BQX 1327-14087 GM3KHH 1330-14082 SP50OP/P 1420-14082 8P6SA 1435-14087 TI2YO 1437-21083 9X5EE QSL VIA PA3DLM 1505-14086 UT4HZ 1506-14088 4X6UO 1525-14087 JW0I SEE NOTE 1553-21081 EA6BH 1601-14082 ZD7DP 1614-14084 9X5EE 1915-14086 TI2YO 2255-14086 PY7AJI SUNDAY 22 0011-14070 AA6ZP/CE CQ IN AMTOR FEC FOR PACTOR OR G-TOR 0016-14082 VP8CKN 0206-14087 LU8EKC 0744-14084 ZD7DP 1048-14090 EY8WW 1139-14083 TA2II 1305-14086 S52GN 1306-14089 VK2RT 1336-14086 P43DWC 1348-14082 A41KT 1348-14086 VK5AJV 1401-14085 YI1BGD 1404-14083 WP4Q 1406-14087 4X6UO 1502-21084 EA9TQ 1505-14086 GI4WXA 1506-14090 UX0KX 1508-21082 LU8EKC 1513-14086 UT2IT 1514-14087 OE5KMN 1516-14084 CU3EM 1525-21088 3DA0CA QSL VIA W4DR. SEE NOTE 1540-21088 C31EM 1548-14089 9X5EE 1601-14084 FG5FI 1602-21088 CU3EM 1606-14089 GI0UJG 1621-14082 UX0KX 1622-14082 EA6BH 1623-14089 GI0UJG 1624-14088 PJ9JT QSL VIA W1AX 1624-14084 GU0SUP 1630-14084 TA2II 1637-14088 JW0I 1646-14088 OE5KMN 2302-14085 FG5GI 2213-14085 FM5GN 2301-14083 FG5FU 2332-14088 VP8CQH 2348-14085 AH6HH 2356-14086 WP4ISP 2357-14085 LU6DTS MONDAY 23 0006-14083 V44KAI 1332-14083 UT2IZ 1528-14069 VU2DLX PACTOR 1537-14069 OD5PL PACTOR 2224-14086 ZP6CC TUESDAY 24 1611-14083 WP4Q WEDNESDAY 25 1148-14087 J20UTF AF-053 1326-21086 J20UFT 1530-21080 5T5MS 1541-14087 UY1YH 1604-14087 LX1TI 1707-14082 OD5PL 1714-14084 GI0WXA 2032-14085 KL7XD THURSDAY 26 0331-14083 A71EY 1353-14084 A45XC 1358-14087 IT9PKO 1402-14083 UY1HY NOTES OF INTEREST: SVALBARD -OP. HENRY SP3ASN, OPERATING JW0I IS AT THE POLISH POLAR STATION-HORNSUND, ON SPITZBERGEN IN THE SVALBARD GROUP. QSL TO P.O. BOX 280115, 13441 BERLIN, GERMANY. SWAZILAND - JON, 3DA0CA WILL SWITCH BANDS UPON REQUEST. NOTE HIS NEW QSL ROUTE, WHICH WAS EFFECTIVE 1 JANUARY. SOUTH SHETLANDS - LOOK FOR DP1KGI, OPERATED BY DL7VTS, AT ARDLEY BASE ON ARDLEY ISL. (SOUTH SHETLANDS) NOW. HE HAS BEEN QRV ON CW AND SSB. FOR PACTOR/AMTOR CHECK 21076, 14076, 7036 KHZ (USB). FOR CW TRY 21050, 18080, 14050, 10120, 7015 AND 3515 KHZ. FOR SSB TRY 21280, 18120, 14280, 7075, AND 3789 KHZ. QSL VIA DL7VTS. TUNISIA, 3V - A DELAYED REPORT SHOWS 3V8BB ON 14085 SPOTTED ON 18 JANUARY AT 1607Z. THERE HAVE BEEN NO REPORTS SINCE THEN. KYFC. COMOROS, D6 - WOLFGANG, DK7UY WILL BE BACK ON ANOTHER HOLIDAY- DXPEDITION FROM GRAND COMORE ISL. FROM 3 FEBRUARY TO 24 FEBRUARY 1995. HIS QTH IS IN THE MOST NORTHERN PART OF THE ISLAND AFFORDING A GOOD TAKEOFF TO MOST PARTS OF THE WORLD. HE WILL BE RUNNING A TS-450S AT 100 WATTS TO A BUTTERNUT HF9VX VERTICAL, AND DIPOLES FOR 30, 40 AND 80 METERS. OPERATION WILL BE RTTY, CW AND SSB FROM 80 TO 10 METERS. CALLSIGN IS UNKNOWN AT THIS TIME AS IT WILL BE ISSUED UPON ARRIVAL. QSLS WILL GO OUT VIA THE BUREAU TO ALL IN THE LOG. THERE WILL BE NO DIRECT QSLING. THE VK2SG RTTY DX NOTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE TO ALL HAMS ON INTERNET AT AB6Z.AMPR.ORG. THE DIRECTORY IS CALLED /RTTYNOTE. ACCESS IS VIA TELNET OR FTP. THANKS GO TO N5UXT FOR THIS SERVICE. INDIVIDUAL INTERNET DISTRIBUTIONS DISCONTINUED!!! SEND YOUR BANDPASS AND NOTES OF INTEREST FOR NEXT WEEK'S BULLETIN TO BOB, WB2CJL AT W5KSI.#NOLA.LA.USA.NA 73 de JULES. Coming events ------------- February 4th-5th ADRS WW RTTY WPX contest 11th-12th EA WW RTTY Contest 26th Central Coast Field Day at Wyong ---------------------------------------- WANT TO GET STARTED IN RTTY? --------------------------- GORDON VK2AVU HAS SOME RTTY GEAR FOR DISPOSAL. IT CAN BE USED TO GET YOU UP ON AIR OR AS SPARES FOR YOUR OWN EQUIPMENT. GORDON HAS A SIEMENS 100 AND A TTY MODEL 32 WITH MANUALS, AND 10-12 ROLLS OF PAPER. CONTACT GORDON MAXWELL VK2AVU QTHR --------------------------------------- ALSO FOR DISPOSAL ----------------- VK2SG HAS SOME JUNK FOR DISPOSAL, STUFF THAT HE THINKS HE WILL NEVER NEED AGAIN, ITS YOURS FOR THE COLLECTION. THINGS LIKE TRANSFORMERS 385/385 VOLTS, MOTORS FOR PRINTERS, THAT CAN BE USED FOR OTHER THINGS, TUNING CONDENSERS, BOXES OF ELECTROLYT- ICS, ETC ETC ETC. IF YOU CAN USE IT, COME AND GET IT. ALSO HAS PRINTERS LIKE SAGEMS MODIFIED FOR 45/50 AND 75 BAUDS, SIEMEN SET FOR 45 BAUDS WITH PAPER WIND UP MOTOR. HE ALSO HAS A TELEREADER WITH POWER SUPPLY WHICH DOES CW/RTTY (VARIOUS BAUD RATES), ASCII AND HAS BEEN MODIFIED FOR AMTOR, ALL PAPERWORK AND HANDBOOKS INCLUDED PLUS A SPARE MK2 AMTOR BOARD, NEGOTIABLE PRICE ... THERE ARE ALSO OTHER BITS OF JUNK AS WELL, EVEN VALVES. SOME RADIO CLUB MAY BE INTERESTED. DE SYD VK2SG QTHR ---------------------------------------- Society information ------------------- The Society may be contacted at : PO Box 860, Crows Nest 2065 Australia, for such matters as membership and general enquiries. Enquiries can also be made by packet to the President(Col) VK2CTD @ VK2XSB, or the Secretary (Pat) VK2JPA @ VK2AAB. News items may be sent to Broadcast Officer PO Box 60 Blacktown 2148 Australia, or by packet to VK2JPA @ VK2AAB. Email address for the Broadcast Officer is : patl@pitt.conmusic.su.oz.au The Society welcomes news items on any digital subjects from anywhere in the broadcast coverage area. We are looking for- ward to news from your areas to let other amateurs know what you are doing in the hobby. Hope to hear from you. 73s de Pat VK2JPA Broadcast Officer That concludes the A.N.A.R.T.S. News 844 5th Feb 1995. Inserted by VK2BQS (Jim), Vice President ANARTS.