SB DX @ ARRL $ARLD018 ARLD018 DX news QST de W1AW DX Bulletin 18 ARLD018 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT March 31, 1994 To all radio amateurs The items in this week's bulletin are courtesy of Bob, W5KNE, QRZ DX, Chod, VP2ML, The DX Bulletin, Bob, WB2DIN, James, K6OZL, the Yankee Clipper Contest Club PacketCluster network, and Contest Corral in QST. Thanks. YEMEN. Achmed, ex HZ1FM, has activated club station 7O1AA. The return of 7O1AA to the airwaves was on March 30. Equipment left by Paul, F6EXV, is being refurbished and expected to be on-line soon. Schedules for QSOs with stateside stations have been set up. On Friday try 14243 kHz at 1500z with OE6EEG as net control. On Saturday try the same frequency at 1600z, again with OE6EEG. Plans are to move to the 14226.5 Family Hour Net shortly thereafter. QSL via Box 485, Aden, Yemen. MACAO. XX9AS, OH6DO, OH2KNB and OH2BH have an Easter Holiday gift for you. They will be putting XX9TZ on the air from the Hyatt Regency on Taipa Island from Friday, April 1 through Monday the 4th. Though this will be an all band effort, pay particular attention to 25 kHz up on 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters for CW, and 7065, 14195, 21295 and 28495 kHz for SSB. FRANZ JOSEF LAND. R1FJC has been on the air recently. This could be the first of a new series of call signs for the island. JUAN DE NOVA ISLAND. Listen for FR5ZQ/J to be active through the end of April. Check 14247 kHz between 1700 and 1900z, and 14256 kHz from 0200 through 0400. QSL via CBA. EUROPA ISLAND. FR5ZU/E is on the air and plans operations to last for four or five weeks. Try the same frequencies and times listed for Juan de Nova above. QSL via CBA. BANGLADESH. UA4RZ plans to be signing S21ZL soon. BANABA ISLAND. Listen for T33CS and T33KK throughout this weekend. QSL via G4WFZ and SM7PKK respectively. TRINDADE ISLAND. PY1UP will be on as PY0TUP from April through August. QSL his home call sign. NIGERIA. Rudi, DL9GMM/5N0, will be on until year end from Lagos, mostly with CW at 100 watts. Try 3513 kHz at 2300z, 10104 at 2350 and 14014 at 2115. QSL via home call sign after his return to Germany. THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. The Holyland DX Contest, sponsored by the Israel ARC, is a 24 hour event that starts at 1800z April 2. Exchange signal report and serial number beginning with 001. Israeli stations will send their area instead of a serial number. The SP DX CW Contest runs from 1500z April 2 through 2300z April 3 on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters. Non SP stations send a six digit serial number consisting of RST and serial number starting with 001. Polish stations will send RST and a two letter province designator. For more details on these operating events, check page 119 of March QST. /EX