SB DX @ ARRL $ARLD026 ARLD026 DX news QST de W1AW DX Bulletin 26 ARLD026 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT May 5, 1994 To all radio amateurs The items in this week's bulletin are courtesy of Bob, W5KNE, QRZ DX, Chod, VP2ML, The DX Bulletin, Frank, AH0W, Dave, VE3CPU, Joe, NJ1Q, Warren, NF1J, the Yankee Clipper Contest Club PacketCluster network and the Contest Corral column in QST. Thanks. TONGA. Paul, KK6H, is supposed to be operating from here May 5 through June 4, though as of press time there have yet to be any spots on the local PacketCluster node. Listen for Paul's CW and RTTY from the shack of A35CT. Paul has requested the call sign A36H and plans to be in the WPX CW contest. QSL via KK6H. JOHNSTON ISLAND. There is good news and bad news. First the bad news. The AH6IO/KH3 DXpedition by AH6IO and NH6UY has been cancelled. The good news is that satellite gear for the DXpedition will be used by KH3AF for about a month, so at least satellite DXers will have a chance at snagging this one. YEMEN. Robert, N4GCK, of 3Y0PI fame, has received permission to operate from Yemen. He will be on as 7O0CW during July for a period of 4 or 5 days, mostly CW. ZAIRE. Paul, F6EXV, has been active as 9Q5EXV. F5FHI is signing 9Q5FHI and has been worked on 7016 kHz at 0100z and 14193 at 1938. Both EXV and FHI are expected to move to other African locations soon. ITU HQ GENEVA. Listen for 4U9ITU being operated from station 4U1ITU until May 11. LIECHTENSTEIN. The 4U9ITU operators plan to operate HB0/DL8BDR/P with CW, SSB and TTY modes from May 12 to 15. DESECHEO ISLAND QRT. A spokesman for the US Fish and Wildlife Service reports that landing permission requests are being denied, so amateur activity from this island is on hold. This action is a result of modern day pirates and Haitian rebels occupying the island. SINT MAARTEN. From May 24 to 30, Chod, VP2ML/WB2CHO, and Frank, AH0W/OH2LVG, will be signing PJ7/WB2CHO and PJ7/OH2LVG respectively. They will team up to operate in the CQ WPX CW Contest as PJ8X. QSL PJ7/WB2CHO via K1RH. QSL PJ7/OH2LVG and PJ8X via KE7LZ. SAINT PAUL ISLAND. Five northeast Wisconsin amateurs are planning a 4 or 5 day DXpedition to CY9 between June 10 and 19, weather permitting. Check 25 kHz up on 40 through 15 meters. For SSB, try 3795, 7155, 14195, 18130, 21295 and 28350 kHz. RTTY will be on 7085 and 14085 kHz. QSL via K0SN. QSL UPDATE. Cards for V2/VE3BW should go direct to VE3BW only. ON A SAD NOTE. Harvey McCoy, W2IYX, FSK RTTY pioneer and Editor of The Long Island DX Bulletin, recently became a Silent Key at age 83. RIP, Harvey. THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. The ARI International DX Contest, sponsored by the Associazione Radioamatori Italiani, is from 2000z May 7 to 2000z May 8 on CW, SSB and RTTY. Italian stations will exchange QSO serial number and two letter province indentifier. All others send signal report and serial number. The Georgia QSO Party is from 1800z May 7 until 2000z May 8. For CW, check 3540, 7040, 14040, 21040, 28040 kHz and 50040 MHz. SSB activity will be around 3795, 7243, 14240, 21330, 28400 kHz and 50124 MHz. Georgia stations will exchange QSO serial number and their county. All others exchange serial number and state, province or DXCC country. For more info on the ARI DX contest and Georgia QSO Party, check page 115 of April QST. The Mobile Amateur Radio Awards Club, MARAC, is sponsor of the County Hunter's CW Contest, which runs from 0000z May 7 to 2400z May 8. Exchange RST and either county and state or province or DXCC country. Work stations once per band per county. Fixed station contacts are worth one point, mobile contacts are worth three points, and multipliers are the different US counties worked. Log submission deadline is June 8. Send to Norm Beavers, W3DYA, 3320 McMillan Drive, Tyler, TX 75701. /EX