SB DX @ ARRL $ARLD037 ARLD037 DX news QST de W1AW DX Bulletin 37 ARLD037 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT June 22, 1994 To all radio amateurs The items in this week's bulletin are courtesy of Bob, WB2CJL, Pasquale, YV5KAJ, and the Contest Corral column in QST. Thanks. SCARBOROUGH REEF. With an application for separate DXCC country status pending, a multinational DXpedition team has been organized by the Chinese Radiosport Association with JA1BK and OH2BH. The team plans to be on from June 24 to 26 with the first radio activation of this South China Sea locale. BS7H is the call sign issued by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunication of the Peoples Republic of China, PRC. Landing permission has been granted for this operation. ANGOLA/MALAWI. Peter, ON6TT, one of the 3Y0PI ops, has been assigned to the Red Cross as a Communications Consultant. He is now on the air as D2TT and has been worked on 18143 kHz at 1705z. Peter plans to move on to Malawi in mid July for three or four weeks. The call sign requested is 7Q7TT. QSL via ON5NT. ASCENSION ISLAND. GW0FJT will be active as ZD8OK for about six months, starting around August 1. QSL via N8ABW. AVES ISLAND. YW0RCV will be QRV from July 21 to 25 on CW, SSB and teleprinter modes, however no PacketCluster spots on our local node have appeared as of press time. Though billed as an all band effort, no WARC band activity is planned. This operation coincides with the 191st anniversary of the Venezuelan Navy and the 60th anniversary of the Venezuelan Radio Club. BELIZE. Rick, AI5P, and George, WB5JHK, will be active from Ambergris Cay as V31PH and V31WE respectively, from July 7 to 14. This is IOTA NA073. QSL via their home calls. NEW CONTEST. The first Russian DX Contest will coincide with the Goodwill Games to be held in Saint Petersb Operating times will be 2100z July 29 to 0900z July 30. Listen for the call signs R1GWG and R1MVI. THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. Dominating the airwaves will be the ARRL Field Day, which is from 1800z June 25 to 2100z June 26. Exchange Field Day operating class and ARRL/Canadian Section. Non US/Canadian stations exchange signal report and QTH. For full details check page 132 in May QST. Hq station W1AW will be in the fray. We hope to work you. SP QRP International Contest, sponsored by the SP QRP Club, runs from 1200z June 25 to 1800z June 26. This CW only event is on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters. Exchange RST, serial number starting with 001 and power category, either VLP, QRP, LP or QRO. VLP is less than 1 watt, QRP is less than 5 watts, LP is less than 50 watts and QRO is 50 watts and higher. Complete info appears on page 118 of June QST. /EX