SB DX @ ARL $ARLD038 ARLD038 DX news ZCZC AE36 QST de W1AW DX Bulletin 38 ARLD038 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT June 30, 1994 To all radio amateurs SB DX ARL ARLD038 ARLD038 DX news The items in this week's bulletin are courtesy of Larry, WA9MAG, the Northern Illinois DX Association, James, 9V1YC, and the Yankee Clipper Contest Club PacketCluster network. Thanks. HUANGUAY DAO, AKA SCARBOROUGH REEF. This weather hampered operation ran only 14 hours. Though limited to SSB only, nearly 2,000 QSOs were made, nearly half of which were with stateside stations. For the lucky few, QSL via W6CF. MOROCCO. Valentini, IK4JQO, will sign CN2VA from August 6 to 22. This SSB only operation will be on 80 through 10 meters with special emphasis on the 17 and 12 meter bands. QSL via IK4JQO. GLORIOSO ISLAND. FR5ZQ should be active during July and August. HAITI. Television news agency employees N4MU and W6RCL are assigned to Port Au Prince. They are both active signing their calls /HH2. Both operate SSB only. Check 14190 kHz at 0300z. THE CONGO. Rudi, DK7PE, plans to start his one week TN operation around July 10. The call TN0CW has been requested. QSL via DK7PE. TANZANIA. R3ARES, the club station of HQ Russian ARES, has moved to Tanzania from Yugoslavia and is now on the air as R3AREX/5H. The rescue team from the Russian Ministry of emergency situations is providing humanitarian UN aid for Rwanda refugees in Tanzania. Check the Russian ARES Net on 14292 kHz at 0700 and 1700z. QSL via RW3AH. VIETNAM. Paul, AA2AV, and Mike, KM1R, are supposed to be active until July 2, however our local PacketCluster node has no QSNs as yet. SINGAPORE. 9V1ARU of the Singapore Amateur Radio Transmitting Society will be on during the upcoming IARU contest under the HQ category, an official IARU region 3 member organization. Operators include 9V1YC, 9V1ZB and JE1JKL. This will be the very first Singapore multi-op station in an international contest. STATIONS HEARD OR WORKED FROM NORTHERN ILLINOIS INCLUDE, 5N0/DL9GMM 7012 kHz at 0529z 5W1GC 7003/1040z X5EBL 7003/0026 6W6JX 10104/2232 HB0/DL8HWA 10103/0249 HK0ER 10102/0116 9K2MU 14179/0151 and 14247/0013 C53HG 14198/2220 KH3AF 14247/0221 VO9TX 14258/0020 HP8ADU 18137/0155 VR6DX 28457/0135 VE6BPR 50165/0011 XE1J 50130/0013 ZF1DC 50125/0112 NNNN /EX