SB DX @ ARL $ARLD050 ARLD050 DX news ZCZC AE48 QST de W1AW DX Bulletin 50 ARLD050 >From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT August 12, 1994 To all radio amateurs SB DX ARL ARLD050 ARLD050 DX news The items in this week's bulletin are courtesy of Steve, W9NUF, the Western Illinois DX Association, Bob, W5KNE, the QRZ DX newsletter, Tedd, KB8NW, the Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin, and the Contest Corral column from QST. Thanks. CENTRAL KIRIBATI. T31BA and T31BB have been on the air a lot lately. Listen for them on 3795 kHz between 1030 and 1200z. Also try 40 meter SSB from 0600 to 1300z and 20 meter SSB between 2200 and 0400z. QSL T31BA via DL2ZAD. QSL T31BB via DF6FK. SAINT KITTS. V44KAO has been quite active in recent days. He was worked on 7006 kHz at 0100z on Wednesday. SAINT PAUL ISLAND. The CY9DX dxpedition has been cancelled. SINGAPORE. The special prefix S61 will be used by amateurs through September 12. This is in conjunction with the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Singapore Amateur Radio Transmitting Society. HONG KONG. Tom, VR2GC, is on the air most weekends. Check around 14015 kHz between 1230 and 1530z. QSL via G5JJ. VIETNAM. JA1IED had been reported to be planning 3W6 activity from August 13 to 17. If not issued a 3W6 call sign, he will sign 3W6/JA1IED. Try 21150 to 21200 kHz for his SSB and 21010 and 14013 kHz for CW. MALAWI. Eliseo, IN3VZE, is active as 7Q7CE until August 25. QSL via IN3VZE. John, 7Q7JL, has been worked on 18155 kHz between 1300 and 1530z. QSL via G0IAS. NEPAL. Kyoko, NH6RT, has been heard signing 9N1KY. She was heard on 14184 kHz at 1648z and 14270 kHz at 1700z. QSL via Kyoko Yamakami, Box 3, Tokaimura, 319-11, Japan. CHAD. Larry, F5IXR, is planning to be on the air beginning August 18 signing TT8/F5IXR until he receives his TT8 call sign. TT8XR has been requested. QSL via F5MXH. No documentation has been received for this operation. EASTERN MALAYSIA. Dave, 9M8BT, continues to be active on 20 meter SSB with a very good signal into the East Coast. He was also heard on 20 meter RTTY. Best shots are between 1245 and 1500z. QSL via N5FTR. Johnny, 9M8DB, also has a good signal and operates around the same time as Dave. QSL via Johnny Tan, Box 1549, 98008, Miri, Sarawak, East Malaysia. CHAGOS. VQ9TP has been doing a lot of CW on several bands. Most activity is between 1230 and 1630z. He was heard over the weekend on 18083 kHz between 1345 and 1600z. Also check the low end of the other bands. QSL via N5TP. Tom, VQ9TT, was heard on 14014 kHz at 1300z. MONACO. Mike, W5ZPA, plans to sign 3A/W5ZPA from August 16 to 20. Listen for his CW, SSB and RTTY in the usual DX windows. QSL via W5ZPA. AMSTERDAM ISLAND. FT5XJ has been signing FT5ZF, working mostly ZLs, Europeans, JAs and western USA. QSL via F5NLL. TOKELAU ISLANDS. 5W1UC is signing ZK3UC. QSL via Box 615, Apia, Western Samoa. GREENLAND. Karl, OX/DL1VU, should be on until August 25. He prefers operating CW. QSL via DL1VU. THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. The CW weekend of the European DX Contest is from 0000z August 13 to 2400z August 14 on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters. Exchange signal report and serial number. Stateside stations also give state. Details appear on page 126 of July QST. The ATV Quest Contest, sponsored by ATV Quarterly, is from August 12 to 14. FSTV Sprints are any 36 hour period and SSTV are any 24 hour period. Exchange call signs via video modes. For more information see page 120 in March QST. NNNN /EX