SB DX @ ARL $ARLD053 ARLD053 DX news ZCZC AE51 QST de W1AW DX Bulletin 53 ARLD053 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT August 26, 1994 To all radio amateurs SB DX ARL ARLD053 ARLD053 DX news The items in this week's bulletin are courtesy of Jim, AD1C, Doc, K0HTF, Len, W7MCU, Bob, W5KNE, the QRZ DX bulletin, Chod, VP2ML, The DX Bulletin and the Yankee Clipper Contest Club PacketCluster network. Thanks. THAILAND. Fred, K3ZO, is in Thailand until October 10 and will be signing HZ0ZAR. Check 20 meters between 1130 and 1400z. He plans to give 40 meters a try for stateside Qs. Sunrise in Bangkok is at 2307z and sunset at 1119z. Plans also call for a trip to Singapore to attend the IARU Region 3 Conference there. QSL via K3ZO. NEPAL. Kyoko, NH6RT, is active as 9N1KY. Check 14184 kHz at 1648z and 14270 at 1700. QSL via Kyoko Yamakami, Box 3, Tokaimura, 319-11, Japan. RWANDA. Both VE3MJQ and PA3DZN should be active any day now from Kigali. In the meantime, try working 9X5/F5PGP on 14195 kHz at about 2030z. MONGOLIA. Members of the Japan UNICEF Ham Club should be on the air as JU1HC through the end of the month. There have been no PacketCluster spots for this one in New England as we approach bulletin time. However, try JT1KAA on 14021 kHz around 0210z. UGANDA. Paul, WF5T, plans to return to Uganda and operate as 5X1XT, concentrating on CW and RTTY. QSL via his home call. CHAGOS. Pete, VQ9TP, aka N5TP, has been busy on his favorite mode, CW. Check 18083 kHz from 1345 to 1600z. Pete operates almost exclusively between the hours of 1230 and 1630z. Tom, VQ9TT, has been worked on 14014 kHz at 1300z. CHINA. Len, W7MCU, called ARRL Hq recently to report that BY1QH is back on Oscar 13. QSL via the 1994 CBA. ARUBA. Contest station P40W will be rebuilt at a new location just prior to the CQWW SSB contest in October. John, W2GD, will be doing both the rebuilding and operating. NNNN /EX