QST de W1AW Space Bulletin 020 ARLS020 >From ARRL Headquarters Newington, CT April 14, 1994 To all radio amateurs HAM LINK FOR SPACECRAFT On April 13, amateur radio linked the Russian space station MIR with the orbiting US space shuttle. By two meters, Astronaut Jay Apt, N5QWL, contacted Rita Iaquinto, VK3CFI, in Melbourne, Australia, while Russian Cosmonaut Valery Polyakov, U3MIR, hooked up with Graham Ratcliff, VK5AGR, in Adelaide. The Australians then used a telephone link to connect the two spacecraft as both passed over Australia, at 5:36 pm Australia time. The SHUTTLE-MIR contact was arranged by the Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment (SAREX). The SAREX payload has flown on 12 previous shuttle flights, providing school children, ham operators and astronaut families with the unique opportunity to speak with the shuttle astronauts via ham radio. Polyakov ended his communication by wishing Apt, and the entire crew aboard Endeavour, a safe return home. The shuttle is scheduled to land in Florida on Monday, April 18 at 12:12 pm. NNNN