SB SPCL @ ARL $ARLX019 ARLX019 Video's a winner ZCZC AX51 QST de W1AW Special Bulletin 19 ARLX019 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT June 30, 1994 To all radio amateurs SB SPCL ARL ARLX019 ARLX019 Video's a winner Video's a winner ''Ham Radio Horizons,'' a video introduction to Amateur Radio produced by CQ Communications, has won a bronze medal in the Association for Visual Communicators' 1994 Cindy awards competition. The video won in the ''public service and information'' category. The Cindy awards honor outstanding productions in all fields of non theatrical video programming, including radio, television, cable, and non broadcast categories, according to a press release from CQ. ''Ham Radio Horizons'' was written, produced, and directed by Rich Moseson, NW2L, who is ARRL Northern New Jersey Section Manager as well as a member of the ARRL's volunteer Public Relations Committee. The awards were presented in June at the INFOCOMM trade show in Los Angeles. NNNN /EX