BARTG * GB2ATG * NEWS * BARTG * NEWS * GB2ATG * BARTG This is the - British Amateur Radio Teledata Group - News Broadcast Service for all Amateurs and Short Wave Listeners interested in RTTY Amtor, Pactor and Packet Radio. This news is broadcast during the first full week commencing Monday each month, to the following schedule.. Evening transmissions at 1930 GMT. on 3.584 MHz. Mark. +/- for QRM. RTTY on Monday-AFSK, Wednesday-AFSK and Friday-FSK Pactor-FEC on Tuesday. Amtor-FEC on Thursday and Saturday. Morning transmission at 1000 GMT. on 7.041 MHz. Mark. +/- for QRM. RTTY on Sunday-AFSK. An edited version of this bulletin is available on the Packet network as a BARTG at GBR. file thanks to: Andy (G3ZYP) at GB7MXM.#36.GBR.EU. It is also posted on the "INTERNET" system via the INFO-HAMS list on UCSD.EDU. thanks to Iain (G6ARO) who is available on the "JANET" network as Iain@HUMBER.AC.UK News for July 1994. Bulletin No. 019. BARTG Information. Important notice affecting transmission times. Commencing August 1994 transmission times for this news bulletin will be adjusted to UK LOCAL time throughout the year. >From Monday 1st August 1994. Evening transmissions will be made at 20:00 hrs. UK local time. Sunday morning transmission will be made at 10:00 hrs UK local time. Although this news is directed towards interest on the HF bands the editor is aware of the need for news to reach members not licensed or equipped to receive bulletins on the HF frequencies. Making bulletins available on the VHF Packet network is not the complete solution. I would welcome suggestions for improving the service to benefit a wider audience. (ed). A number of requests for broadcasts on the 145 MHz band in the North Kent area are being served by Ken (G0PCA) during broadcast week using AFSK on 145.300 MHz. at 20:30 local time on Wednesday. RTTY DX Activity. 14 MHz. (all times are GMT.) ZA1MH 0530, VE7VX 0600, VK3AKH 0700, V63VA 1300, RA2FB 1330, GD3HDL 1400, BV7WB and 5B4VX 1530,KL7XD 1600, 9K2WA 1730, 7Q7ZZ, GU/DL9YAJ and A41KD 1800, 9Q5PL 1900, IS0QDV 2200. 14 MHz. (PT) ZA1MH 0500. QSL Information. V63VA via OKDXA, P.O. Box 88, Wellston, OK 74881, USA. ZA1MH via Mike Holman. P.O.Box 19, Tirana, Albania. 9Q5PL via OE7MCJ. Contests. The SARTG RTTY contest starts Saturday August 20 with contest periods from 0000 until 0800 and 1600 until 2400 Saturday 20th. 0800 until 1600 Sunday 21st. Bands. 3.5 - 7 - 14 - 21 - 28 MHz. The same station may be contacted once on each band for QSO and multiplier points. Classes. A. Single operator all bands. B. Single operator single band. C. Multi operator, single TX all bands. D. Short Wave Listener all bands. (note) A single operator all bands may also enter a single band of own choice. Exchange message. To consist of RST and QSO serial number starting with 001. QSO points. QSO with own country scores five (5) points. QSO with other countries in own continent ten (10) points. QSO with other continents fifteen (15) points. In Australia, Canada, Japan and USA, each call district will be considered a separate country. Multipliers. Each country as per the ARRL DXCC list will count as one (1) multiplier on each band, including the first contact with Australia, Canada, Japan and USA. In addition each call district in Australia, Canada, japan and USA will count as one (1) multiplier on each band. Scoring. Sum of the QSO points times sum of multipliers = Total score. Short Wave Listeners. Use the same rules for scoring but based on stations and messages copied. Awards. To the top stations in each class, Country and District mentioned above, if the number of QSO's is reasonable. Logs. All logs must be received by 10th October 1994. The logs must contain: Band, Date/Time UTC, Callsign, Message sent and received, Points and Multipliers. Use a separate sheet for each band and enclose a summary sheet showing the scoring class, your call, name and address. For multi operator stations, the callsigns and or names of all operators involved. Post your completed logs to: SARTG contest manager, Bo Ohlsson SM4CMG, Skulsta 1258, S-710 41 Fellingsbro, Sweden. Your comments would be very much appreciated. Notes of interest. There are plans to activate St. Paul Island (CY9) during the first week in July. Transportation and landing permission are arranged. The team will be those who activated KP1 and KP5 in 1992 - 1993. Bob KW2P, Randy N0TG, Murray WA4DAN, Ron AA4VK and possibly Dave W0RJU. This team always provide RTTY. Sorry but no further details available. A recent report states that Peter (XT2BW) is now signing 9G1PW from Ghana. Although Peter provides RTTY there are no reports of data activity yet. ZA1MH is active on all bands with RTTY, Amtor and Pactor. Thanks this month to.. RSGB and SM4CMG. BARTG caters for all DATA interests with information-components-kits -ready built units and software from experts. Members receive a 120 page quarterly journal devoted to data modes. Beginners guides for most data modes are available. The group sponsors HF and VHF RTTY contests, administers its own DX and members award scheme and runs an annual rally. This copy of BARTG News is posted by Iain Kendall (G6ARO) who can be contacted via Internet e-mail at.. Items for inclusion in the broadcast may also be mailed to this address, as well as any queries regarding membership or services offered by BARTG. Copy of the news as distributed by G0ARF 940628.