BARTG * GB2ATG * NEWS * BARTG * NEWS * GB2ATG * BARTG This is the - British Amateur Radio Teledata Group - News Broadcast Service for all Amateurs and Short Wave Listeners interested in RTTY Amtor, Pactor and Packet Radio. This news is broadcast during the first full week commencing Monday each month, to the following schedule.. Evening transmissions at 1930 GMT. on 3.584 MHz. Mark. +/- for QRM. RTTY on Monday-AFSK, Wednesday-AFSK and Friday-FSK Pactor-FEC on Tuesday. Amtor-FEC on Thursday and Saturday. Morning transmission at 1000 GMT. on 7.041 MHz. Mark. +/- for QRM. RTTY on Sunday-AFSK. An edited version of this bulletin is available on the Packet network as a BARTG at GBR. file thanks to: Andy (G3ZYP) at GB7MXM.#36.GBR.EU. It is also posted on the "INTERNET" system via the INFO-HAMS list on UCSD.EDU. thanks to Iain (G6ARO) who is available on the "JANET" network as Iain@HUMBER.AC.UK News for August 1994. Bulletin No. 020. BARTG Information. The BARTG Rally takes place on Sunday 11th September in the Sandown Exhibition Centre, Esher, Surrey. Doors open at 10:30, the venue will be well sign posted with talk-in on S22. Plenty of free car parking and trains from Waterloo stop at Esher station. The rally will inclide top companies and special interest groups plus a Bring and Buy. On site catering with hot and cold meals, snacks and licensed bar. All DATA modes catered for plus much to interest the computer buff. Mark the date. Mark and Space the DATA. Early notice of the BARTG AGM. This year the Annual General Meeting returns to London on 5th November at London House, Mecklenburgh Square. Full details will be published in the Autumn issue of Datacom. RTTY DX Activity. (All times are GMT.) 14 MHz. 1A0KM, YW0RCV and ZA1MH 0730. 4Z5GN 0830. T97V 0930. Z21HD 1130, YB3AQF and EA8ATE 1330. YW0RCV, OD5PL, BY1QH and TF5SJ 1430. 5Z4FM and SV5AZP 1500. EA6NB, 3B8CF, VR2GO and 4S7/JA4FM 1530. 9V1ZS 1630. FR5ZU/T and DU1BJD 1700. A22EX 1730. CE3GN, 7Q7ZZ and 9K2WA 1800. A41KD 1830. 9A3TB 1930. TA2II 2030. EA9KQ 2200. QSL Information. 1A0KM via IK0FVC. OD5PL via HB9CRV. 4S7/JA4FM via JA1FHK. TF5SJ via LA0BX. A22EX via N4CID. FR5ZU/T via VE2NW. 9V1ZS P.O.Box 24, Raffles City, Singapore 9117. YW0RCV (Aves Island.) via Radio Club Venezolano. POB 2285, Caracas 1010-A, DF, Venezuela. (Note: 1 IRC does not cover return airmail to Europe). Contests. The CQ World Wide RTTY contest starts 0000 GMT September 24th until 2400 GMT September 25th on all 5 HF bands. All digital modes may be used, Baudot, ASCII, Amtor and Pactor (FEC and ARQ), Packet (no unattended operation or contacts through gateways or digipeaters). A station may only be worked once per band to score, regardless of the digital mode employed. The same station may be worked on other bands for additional points. Classification. 1. Single operator all band and single band. 2. Single operator assisted, all band only. 3. Multi-operator, single transmitter, all band only. 4. Multi-operator, multi-transmitter, all band only. Categories. Single operator entries may enter either (A) All band or (B) Single band. Single operator assisted and Multi-operator entries can only enter the all band section. Contest period. The total contest period is 48 hrs. but no more than 30 hrs. Of operation are permitted for single operator stations. The 18 hrs. Of rest can be taken at any time during the contest period in blocks of not less than 3 hrs. duration which must be clearly marked in the log and summary sheets. Multi-Operator and Multi-Multi stations may operate the entire 48 hrs. contest period. Single operators may operate more than 30 hrs. but only the first 30 hrs. will count towards the official score. (This allows rarer DX to give their multiplier to more stations). Exchange message. Within the 48 continental United States give - RST - State or VE area - CQ zone number. All other stations exchange - RST - CQ zone number. QSO points. One (1) QSO point for contacts within your own country. Two (2) QSO points for contacts outside your own country but within your own continent. Three (3) QSO points for contacts outside your own continent. Multipliers. One (1) Multiplier for each US state (48) and each Canadian area (13) on each band. One (1) Multiplier for each DX country on each band. KH6 and KL7 count as DX countries but not as states. USA and Canada count as countries for the first contact on each band. One (1) Multiplier for each CQ zone (40) on each band. Final score. Total QSO points times total multipliers. Logs must be post marked no later than November 28th to qualify. Originally-To:- Roy Gould KT1N, CQ-WW RTTY DX Contest Director, P.O.Box DX, Stow, MA-01775, USA. Notes of interest. Cards for TT8OBO (Chad) are not being accepted for credit by the DXCC desk until they receive further documentation to validate authority to operate. The planned activity from St. Paul Isl. (CY9) by Randy N0TG and others has been postponed until September 19-25 in order to take advantage of improved conditions. Increased postal charges in Japan now require 120 yen for a 10 grm airmail letter to Europe. One US dollar exchanges for 100 yen while one IRC exchanges for 130 yen meaning one IRC or two dollars for return QSL's. Thanks this month to.. G3ZYP. OPDX (BARF80). DXNS. BARTG caters for all DATA interests with information-components-kits -ready built units and software from experts. Members receive a 120 page quarterly journal devoted to data modes. Beginners guides for most data modes are available. The group sponsors HF and VHF RTTY contests, administers its own DX and members award scheme and runs an annual rally. This copy of BARTG News is posted by Iain Kendall (G6ARO) who can be contacted via Internet e-mail at.. Items for inclusion in the broadcast may also be mailed to this address, as well as any queries regarding membership or services offered by BARTG. Copy of the news as distributed by G0ARF 940726.