BARTG * GB2ATG * NEWS * BARTG * NEWS * GB2ATG * BARTG This is the - British Amateur Radio Teledata Group - News Broadcast Service for all Amateurs and Short Wave Listeners interested in RTTY Amtor, Pactor and Packet Radio. This news is broadcast during the first full week commencing Monday each month, to the following schedule.. Evening transmissions at 20:00 U.K. local time on 3.584 MHz. Mark. RTTY on Monday-AFSK, Wednesday-AFSK and Friday-FSK. Pactor-FEC on Tuesday. Amtor-FEC on Thursday and Saturday. Morning transmission at 10:00 U.K. local time on 7.041 MHz. Mark. RTTY on Sunday-FSK. Both frequencies could be +/- for QRM. An edited version of this bulletin is available on the Packet network as a BARTG at GBR. file thanks to: Andy (G3ZYP) BARTG Publicity Officer at GB7MXM.#36.GBR.EU. It is also posted on the "INTERNET" system via the INFO-HAMS list on UCSD.EDU. thanks to Iain (G6ARO) who is available on the "JANET" network as Iain@HUMBER.AC.UK News for February 1995. Bulletin No. 026. BARTG Information. GB2ATG News Broadcasts. Please note the change of band for the Sunday morning broadcast. The Sunday morning transmission is moving to 3.595 MHz. Until conditions on 7 MHz. improve. RTTY DX Activity. (All times are GMT.) 14 MHz. VP8CQJ, SU1MB and ZD8DX 0800, EL2BN/OD, ZD7DP CE8SFG, ZL2RN, JJ2LPV, ZL3ATT and FK8GM 0830, JD1AMA and VK2BQS 0900, EA6BH 0930, PY2BX 1000, RA2FB, YV5BXS, T77T, AP2GA and EA8PDT 1100, PJ2MI 1130, VP29EI and A41LS 1200, YO3CDN and EY8MM 1230, W5RRK and CO2KG 1300, JW0I and V85GA 1330, SV2ASP/A, DU1HCX, 9H1FA, KP4BJD, A45XC, Z21HD, EA8/ON8RI and VO1VT 1400, HK3CAA/6, J68BU, VK6GOM, TA2II, YI1BGD, XE1SRF, LX1DA, LX1TI and EA6PZ 1430, HS0ZAA, J20UFT, EA6ABO, 4X6UO, VE3WT and VP8CIL 1500, VP8CKN, A45ZX, A71CW and FG4FI 1530, 9X5EE, CU3EM, C91A, 1600, 9G1BS and J28JJ 1630, WP4Q, VE6JO and AC0M (in SD for WAS) 1700, FG5FT 1800 14 MHz. Pactor CT3AR 1530. EA8BUY 1600. During the ARRL RTTY Roundup 7/8 Jan. the following prefixes were workable from the UK: 3.5 MHz. DL, EA, F, G, GM, GW, HA, HB9, HH, I, LA, LX, LY, OH, OK, OM, ON, PA, RU3, RK9, S5, SM, SP, SV, TA2, UT, UX, VE2, VE3, W1, W2, W3, W4, W5, W0, YL, YU. 7 MHz. DL, EA, G, GM, GW, HH, I, LA, LZ, OH, OZ, PA, RK9, S5, SM, SP, UT, VY2, W3, YU, YW, ZL3. 14 MHz. 4X, A4, DL, EA, EA8, ER, GM, HA, HB9, I, J6, KP2, KP4, LA. LY, LZ, OE, OH, OK, OM, OZ, RK9, RW3, S5, SM, SP, SV, UN, UR, UT, UX, VE3, VE6, VI0, VP5, VY2, W1, W2, W3, W4, W5, W6, W7, W8, W9, W0, YL, YU, YV. PLUS IJ7 (IOTA EU-73). 21 MHz. DL, ER, I, LA, OZ, PW, RK9, RW3, SM, SP, SU, SV, TA2, UN, UT, V3, VK6, W1, W2, W3, W4, W5. QSL Information. VP29EI via I5JHW. EY8MM via DL8WN. J68BU via WA9AKT. J28JJ via F6HGO. SV2ASP/A CBA. HS0ZAA via KM1R. VP8CQJ via G8XFT. J20UFT via ARAD Radio Club, Box 1076, Djibouti. JD1AMA CBA. JW0I to Henry, Box 280115, Berlin 13441, Germany. YO3CDN via YO3FRI. Box 18-130, Bucharest 71500, Romania. 9X5EE via PA3DLM. Tiny Mahoney Bockstael, Josef Haydnstr 17, NL-4536 BT Terneuzen, Holland. A71CW to Chris Dabrowski. Box 22101, Doha, Qatar, Arabian Gulf. Contests. The BARTG HF RTTY Contest starts 0200 saturday March 18 until 0200 Monday March 20. Single Operator and SWL stations permitted a maximum 30 hours operating time. Rest periods in blocks not less than 3 hours. Multi-Operator stations may work the full 48 hour contest period. Categories: 1. Single Operator All Band. 2. Single operator Single Band. 3. Multi-Operator All Band. 4. Multi-Operator Multi-Transmitter. 5. Short wave Listener. Categories 1, 2 and 3 are Single Transmitter only. No station may enter more than one category. Bands: 3.5, 7.0, 14, 21 and 28 MHz. amateur bands. Message. The exchange message will consist of: (A) RST/message number. The number must be a three figure group and start with 001 for the first contact made. (B) Time GMT. A full four figure GMT time must be sent as part of each message. QSO Points: Each completed QSO scores one (1) point. Stations may be contacted again on other bands for QSO credit. All duplicate contacts on the same band must be clearly marked in the log. Multipliers: All DXCC countries (including W, VE and VK) and all W, VE and VK call areas count as multipliers on each band. Note:: Any country or W/K, VE/VO or VK area may be counted again if worked on a different band but continents are counted once only. Scoring: QSO points times multipliers times continents (max. 6). Log Sheets: Use separate log sheets for each band. Logs must show Band, Date, Time GMT, Callsign, Message Sent and Received, Countries and Points claimed. SWL logs must contain Date and Time GMT of logging, Callsign of station heard, Report sent by that station and Callsign of station being worked. Summary Sheet: To show full scoring, times of operation and address for correspondence. In the case of Multi-Operator stations, the names and callsigns of all operators involved with the station operation during the contest. All logs must be received by May 31 1995 in order to qualify. Sample log and summary sheets are available from the contest manager. UK entrants send large (A4) S.A.E. outside UK please send 6 IRC's to cover postage. Computer generated logs containing all specified information are welcomed. Please send your contest or check logs to: Contest Manager. John Barber (G4SKA). P.O. Box 8, Tiverton, Devon EX16 5YU, England. Trophies will be awarded to category winners. Certificates will be awarded to the top three stations in each category, the top five category 1 entrants and in each continent and to the top category 1 entrant in each W/K, VE/VO and VK area. Additional notes: If a contestant manages to contact 25 or more different countries on two-way RTTY during the contest, a claim may be made for the "Quarter Century Award" (QCA) issued by BARTG and for which a charge of 6 US dollars or 30 IRC's is made. Holders of existing QCA awards may add new countries to their existing records. A separate sheet showing bands, callsigns and countries claimed must be included with the contest log. Your comments on the contest would be much appreciated. Notes of Interest: Guinea Bissau (J5). J55UAB is now QRV again using all bands and modes until January 1996. QSL via F6FNU. South Shetland Isl. (VP8). VP8CQR and VP8CQS will be the callsigns used from King George Island and not HF0POL as first thought. They are expected to show up on RTTY towards the end of January and are at the base until the end of 1995. IOTA AN-010. DL7VTS is also expected to be using RTTY from the adjoining Ardley Island with the call DP1KGI until the end of February 1995. Falklands, (VP8). Jon Carp, VP8CQJ will be leaving for home around the middle of february. His next destination is likely to be Cyprus with the call (5B4ZL) some time in August. Antarctic (VI0). Eddie continues to be active as VI0ANT from Davis base until the end of March 1995. This is CQ Zone 39. ITU Zone 69. J20UFT was on Maskali Isl. in the Gulf of Aden. IOTA AF-053. Thanks this month to.. G3ZYP, GU0SUP, DXNS, ARRL/ARLD. BARTG caters for all DATA interests with information-components- kits-ready built units and professional software for the P.C. and other computers covering all common data modes. Members receive a quarterly journal devoted to data modes. Beginners guides for most data modes are available which are currently being updated. The group sponsors HF RTTY - Amtor - Pactor contests, administers its own DX and members award schemes and holds an annual rally. Please address membership enquiries to :- Membership secretary, Peter Adams (G6LZB), 464, Whippendell Road, Watford, Herts. WD1 7PT. enclosing SASE. Telephone - 01923 220774. This copy of BARTG News is posted by Iain Kendall (G6ARO) who can be contacted via Internet e-mail at.. Items for inclusion in the broadcast may also be mailed to this address, as well as any queries regarding services offered by BARTG. The news as distributed by G0ARF 950131.