Because of feedback from various people, I have added the following enhancements: A separate database with members personal info, including address, phone, birthdate, anniversary, spouses name, club membership, RACES/ARES info, etc. This was done as a separate database for two reasons: 1. To insure compatibility with Version 1.0. 2. To protect confidential/personal info about members if a club wanted to selectively distribute info about their members. I produced screens and reports to support these new fields, as well as put in a feature to generate club mailing labels... Also, as a bonus, I threw in a repeater database system, so you can track info about your favorite public/private repeaters. The program will take about 500K to run, and runs faster with more memory. Be sure that there is a statement in your CONFIG.SYS file that says (at least) FILES = 70 This is the biggest problem people have, next to insufficient memory is that they don't tell DOS to allow for a lot of open data and key files. My local amateur radio clubs keep track of a lot of personal info about people, such as birthdays and anniversaries, and as we are rural, the people here are very friendly. My wife also recently earned her Tech-no-code license (Cindy- KE6PSV). If you want to give people basic contact info about people in your club, just give them the CALLLTRS.DAT and CALLLTRS.MEM files along with the program, as CALLADDR.DAT may have private info that you may not want everybody to have... Have Fun, and if you are ever in the Central California area, give me a call on either 147.180+ or 147.030+, no PL... Take Care... Bob Slovick